Creative vs Non-Creative Person: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Both

Creative vs non creative person: Is a creative person better than a non-creative one?

This has been a debate in the field of psychology for a long time. Creativity is the ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. On the other hand, non-creative people are those who lack true creativity and stick to traditional ways of doing things.

Creativity is an important asset for any organisation or business.

It drives innovation, which leads to higher productivity and greater profits. Moreover, it allows people to express their unique thoughts and ideas and find new paths towards success. Non-creative people also have their own strengths; they're likely to be more organised and follow rules to complete tasks efficiently.

This article takes a look at both ends of the spectrum to examine the differences between creative and non-creative individuals.

 Creative people drawing

Understanding Creative Thinking

Creative thinking entails thinking outside the box.

Lateral thinking, or the capacity to recognise hidden patterns, is a key component of creativity. Thinking creatively might involve coming up with innovative solutions to issues, tasks, and challenges, and it entails approaching your work from a novel, occasionally unconventional perspective.

For example, someone wishing to pursue a business career may benefit from creative thinking and be more productive as a result.

 Creative entrepreneur hot desking in café

Differences Between Creative And Non-Creative Thinking

Creative vs. non-creative person: how do they differ in terms of thinking style?

Let's take a look at some of the key differences between the two.

Creative thinking

Creative thinking is the ability to come up with new ideas and solutions.

It involves looking at a problem from different angles and exploring various possibilities. People with creative brains are able to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions that may not have been considered before.

They are also more likely to take risks and be open to new experiences.

Creative thinking requires an individual to be open-minded, flexible, and willing to explore different ideas.

Non-creative thinking

Non-creative thinking is the opposite of creative thinking.

It involves following traditional methods and sticking to what has already been done. Non-creative thinkers are more likely to be organised and follow rules in order to complete tasks efficiently.

More so, non-creative thinkers are usually less willing to take risks and prefer the familiarity of the current situation.

Differences in brain activity

The brain activity of creative and non-creative people differs significantly.

Studies have shown that creative thinking activates the right hemisphere of the brain region, while non-creative thinking activates the left hemisphere. Creative thinking is associated with increased activity in areas of the brain networks responsible for divergent thinking, such as the frontal lobe and temporal lobe.

This type of thinking involves generating multiple solutions to a problem.

On the other hand, non-creative thinking is associated with increased activity in areas of the brain responsible for convergent thinking, such as the parietal lobe and occipital lobe.

This type of thinking involves finding a single solution to a problem.

 Creative person painting

Characteristics Of A Creative vs Non-Creative Person

There are differences when it comes to the characteristics of creative vs non-creative person.

Sometimes, these differences can be subtle, while other times they can be quite pronounced. Additionally, some people may have a mix of both creative and non-creative traits.

Let's try to identify some of the key characteristics of a creative and non-creative person.

Creative person

Those who have the power of imagination and can devise original solutions are known to have a creative spirit.

They are receptive to new ideas and open to being flexible.

Individuals with creative abilities are typically more likely to take risks and explore new experiences. Creative individuals often have an active imagination and can visualize potential outcomes in their minds. They have the ability to analyze a problem from multiple perspectives and devise creative solutions.

A person with a creative mindset is also more likely to be open to criticism and feedback.

Non creative person

Those who prefer to stick to traditional methods and follow rules are known to be non-creative.

They are more likely to be organised and methodical in their approach. Non-creative individuals often have a logical mindset and can think logically about a problem. While they may not be quick to embrace new ideas or take risks, their dependability and consistency are highly valuable in a business setting.

A person with a non-creative mindset is more likely to be resistant to change and criticism.

 Creative person doing maths

Signs You Are A Creative Person

Are you wondering if you are a creative person? Here are some signs that may indicate that you have a creative mindset:

1. Have a passion for learning and exploration

If you have a passion for learning and exploration, it is likely that you are a creative person.

Creative individuals tend to be curious and open to new experiences. They are eager to learn more about the world around them and explore different possibilities. Creative people often have an insatiable appetite for knowledge, which can lead them to discover new ideas and solutions. Additionally, they may be more likely to take risks and try something new.

This trait is common with creative business owners and all those people in the world who want more out of life than that of the nine till five.

Steve Jobs is a well-known creative genius and entrepreneur. He was a creative person who used his imagination to create innovative products and services.

Creative people can dial into their creative minds to figure out how they can turn their passion into a profitable business.

2. Constantly looking for ways to improve

Creative individuals are always looking for ways to improve.

As a creative person, you are not content with the status quo and strive to find new solutions to existing problems. Creative people often have an eye for detail and can spot opportunities that others may miss. They are constantly looking for ways to make things better, faster, or more efficient.

They are constantly searching for ways to make their ideas come to life.

3. Open to trying new things

As a creative thinker, you are open to trying new things and experimenting with different approaches.

You have the willingness to try new things and discover new opportunities. Those with creative mindsets tend to be open-minded and willing to push their boundaries, resulting in discovering new solutions.

Stepping out of their comfort zone is something they are not afraid of.

4. Enjoy problem-solving and coming up with creative solutions

Creative individuals enjoy problem-solving and coming up with creative solutions.

They possess the capacity to conceive unique ideas. Creative people are often able to look at a problem from multiple angles and devise creative solutions that others may not have thought of. Creative people embrace challenges, secure in the knowledge that they can find a solution.

Adopting this outlook and approach is critical to succeeding in the competitive world we live in.

5. Have an eye for detail

Creative people have an eye for detail.

That means you are able to pick up on small details that others may miss and use this information to create something new or improve existing ideas. Creative people often have a keen sense of observation and can spot patterns or trends that others may not notice.

This ability allows them to come up with creative solutions and ideas that can help them stand out from the crowd.

Additionally, creative people often have a strong sense of aesthetics and can appreciate the beauty in the world around them.

6. Able to think outside of the box

Being able to think outside the box is a key trait of creative people.

As a creative individual, you are able to look at a problem from different perspectives and come up with solutions that others may not have considered. You are open to exploring new possibilities and are not afraid to take risks in order to achieve your goals.

Those with an inventive mindset often use unconventional techniques to solve problems, thus contributing to groundbreaking solutions.

7. Have a strong sense of curiosity

Creative people have a strong sense of intellectual curiosity.

They enjoy discovering new concepts, and they aren't afraid of questioning the norm or seeking out different perspectives.

As a creative individual, you often have an inquisitive nature that allows you to delve deeper into topics and uncover hidden truths. This curiosity helps you come up with innovative solutions and ideas that can help you stand out from the crowd.

Additionally, creative people often have a strong sense of imagination and can envision possibilities that others may not be able to see.

8. Able to take risks and embrace failure

Creative people are often not afraid to take risks and embrace failure.

You must understand that failure is part of the creative process and can be used as a learning opportunity. Creative individuals are willing to push their boundaries and try new things, even if it means they may fail.

They understand that taking risks is usually necessary in order to come up with innovative solutions and ideas.

9. You have an appreciation of creative expression

A creative person appreciates art, music, literature, and other forms of creative expression.

You understand the power of creative expression and how it can be used to communicate ideas, evoke emotion, and inspire others. Creative people often have a deep appreciation for art and culture, which helps them come up with unique solutions and ideas.

Creative expression can also help creative people stay inspired and motivated, which is essential for success.

 Creative person on the phone

Signs You Are A Non-Creative Person

Do you think your creative skills are lacking? Here are some signs that could suggest you have a non-creative mindset:

1. Prefer to stick to the same routine and processes

Non-creative people often prefer to stick to the same routine and processes, as it provides them with a sense of comfort and security.

This can be beneficial in some cases, but it can also limit your ability to come up with innovative solutions and ideas.

2. Have difficulty coming up with new ideas or solutions

Those who struggle with creativity may find it difficult to generate new ideas or solutions. They may have difficulty devising creative solutions that go beyond the norm.

This might be caused by a lack of creativity, shying away from risks, or being scared to fail. Non-creative individuals may also find it difficult to express their ideas in a creative way.

They may not have the same appreciation for creative expression as those who are more creative.

3. Tend to be more analytical and logical in their thinking

Non-creative people tend to be more analytical and logical in their thinking.

They prefer to approach problems with a practical and systematic approach, rather than relying on creative solutions. Non-creative individuals may also rely heavily on facts and data when making decisions, as they feel this is the most reliable way to reach a conclusion.

Being analytical and logical is good, but it can also limit creativity.

4. Find it difficult to take risks or try something new

People who lack a history of creativity may struggle to venture out of their comfort zone and attempt something unfamiliar. Many people are afraid to leave the safety of the familiar and venture into uncharted territory, as the potential for failure or uncertainty is too great.

Additionally, those who lack creativity may be disinclined to make lasting changes, preferring to remain where they feel comfortable.

One may also be reluctant to uncover new opportunities or think of innovative solutions.

5. Have a hard time expressing yourself creatively

Non-creative people may find it difficult to express themselves creatively.

They may lack the confidence or imagination to come up with unique ideas and solutions. Additionally, they may not have the same appreciation for creative expression as those who are more creative.

Non-creative individuals may also struggle to communicate their ideas in a creative way.

6. Prefer facts over imagination

People who lack imagination usually gravitate towards facts. They rely heavily on data and evidence when making decisions, as they feel this is the most reliable way to reach a conclusion.

They may not be comfortable with abstract concepts or creative solutions that don’t have a clear answer.

They see facts as the only way to make an informed decision and may be reluctant to take risks or try something new.

7. Have difficulty seeing the big picture

Non-creative people may find it difficult to see the big picture. They may be too focused on the details and miss out on the larger context of a situation. This can lead to tunnel vision and a lack of perspective, which can limit their ability to come up with creative solutions.

Non-creative individuals may also struggle to connect seemingly unrelated ideas or concepts in order to form new insights .

If you're noticing any of these signs, it may be time to tap into your creativity. Creative thinking is an important skill that can help you develop innovative solutions and ideas. It can also help you express yourself in a unique way and open up new opportunities.

Non creative person working and computer

Benefits Of Being Creative

Being creative can bring a number of benefits to both your personal and creative business lives.

Creativity can open up new opportunities for growth and development. It can also help foster collaboration and teamwork, as it encourages people to work together to come up with creative solutions.

Additionally, creativity can help boost morale and motivation in the workplace, as it allows individuals to express themselves in a unique way.

Let's take a look at some of the benefits of being creative:

1. Develop problem-solving skills

Thinking creatively can enhance problem-solving abilities, stimulating individuals to think in unique ways and develop original solutions.

Being able to think creatively can help a person come up with inventive solutions, and this can be advantageous in multiple contexts. It allows one to consider different perspectives when approaching issues and evaluate various options.

Moreover, making use of creative thinking can promote collaboration and teamwork, as it inspires normal people to work together on out-of-the-box ideas.

2. Better communication

Creativity can also help improve communication.

Creative people are often more articulate and expressive, as they have the ability to think outside of the box and come up with innovative ideas. This can be beneficial in a variety of contexts, from business meetings to social gatherings.

Additionally, creative individuals may be better able to express their thoughts and feelings in an effective manner.

4. Offers mental flexibility

Individuals with a creative mindset are often more receptive to new ideas and better equipped for tackling difficult issues.

By utilizing their creative thinking, they can find original solutions that had not been conceived before. They look at various perspectives in order to generate imaginative resolutions to problems.

Unleashing creativity facilitates mental agility, allowing people to come up with original solutions by examining various options.

6. A rise in productivity

Boosting creativity can help enhance productivity.

Creative individuals are often more motivated and inspired to work on tasks, as they have the ability to come up with innovative solutions. This can help them stay focused and engaged in their work, leading to improved performance. Moreover, creative thinking can help people break through mental blocks and find new ways of approaching problems.

This can be beneficial for organisations, as it can lead to increased productivity and efficiency.

7. Uplift quality of life

Creativity can also lead to an improved quality of life.

Creative people often have a greater appreciation for the world around them, as they are able to see things from different perspectives and come up with unique solutions. This can help them enjoy life more fully, as they are able to appreciate the beauty in everyday moments.

Moreover, creative individuals tend to be more open-minded and tolerant of others, as they are able to see things from different points of view.

Although being creative has many advantages, success and happiness don't depend solely on this trait. Non-creative individuals can also have successful and fulfilling lives.

 Man biting his nails sat infant of computer

Disadvantages Of Not Being Creative

Lacking creativity comes with setbacks, let's discuss a few of them:

1. Overwhelmed

Not being creative can sometimes lead to being overwhelmed.

Creative thinking can help people tackle obstacles and discover new ways to confront issues. However, it can be daunting if a person is not able to produce innovative ideas, as it could leave them feeling paralyzed and unable to progress.

What's more, as a creative, you will have lots of ideas, and it can be somewhat overwhelming to process all of them. Here at OCCO London, we have developed the morning mindset journal from personal experience of feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion. The daily use of it will help you be more productive and have greater clarity on what you need to do more of to make the boat go faster.

2. Stressed out

As a creative or creative entrepreneur, with so many great ideas and so many things to do, it's very easy to get stressed out.

When you are unable to think of new ideas or solutions, (when you are unable to identify what to do next, or you simply have too many tasks, ideas, and solutions), it can be very stressful and frustrating. This feeling of being stuck can lead to increased levels of stress and anxiety.

For that reason, we have developed the priority pad,whicht makes sure you focus on the tasks that matter most to your business, helping you steer the ship in the right direction.

3. Increased risk of burnout

Failing to be what you deem a successful creative can lead to burnout.

Creativity is an essential part of life that can improve our performance, productivity, and quality of life. Stagnation and being stuck in a rut are both challenging and demotivating; they often lead to exhaustion and burnout.

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4. Lack of self-confidence

Not being creative can lead to a lack of self-confidence.

Creative individuals are often more confident in their abilities, as they have the ability to think outside of the box and come up with innovative solutions. Without this skill, one may feel inadequate or unable to tackle difficult tasks.

This can lead to feelings of insecurity and low self-esteem.

People who are not creative may feel a lack of self-confidence, but this doesn't mean that they cannot be successful. Nevertheless, these are a good few disadvantages of being not creative.

 Creative person painting a picture

Ways To Promoting A Creative Mindset

Promoting a creative mindset can be beneficial for individuals and organisations alike. Here are some tips to help you foster creativity:

1. Take time to brainstorm

Set aside time each day to brainstorm ideas and explore different perspectives.

This will help you come up with innovative solutions and think outside the box. Brainstorming is also a great way to foster collaboration and teamwork.

2. Encourage collaboration

Working together on creative projects can help generate new ideas and solutions.

Encourage collaboration among team members and allow them to share their thoughts and opinions. This will help foster a creative environment where everyone can contribute.

3. Take risks

Creative thinking often involves taking risks and pushing boundaries. Don’t be afraid to try something new or explore uncharted territory.

Taking risks can help you come up with unique solutions and open up new possibilities.

4. Embrace failure

Failure is an inevitable part of the creative process.

Don’t be discouraged by setbacks, but instead use them as learning opportunities. This will help you stay motivated and continue to strive for success.

5. Take breaks

Taking regular breaks can help refresh your mind and give you a new perspective on things.

Taking time away from work can also help you come up with new ideas and solutions. Do not forget that creativity often comes from taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture.

Taking a pause from everything is a great way to get inspired and refresh your creative juices.

If you wish to cultivate a creative mindset, consider following the tips we just discussed. That is how you can promote a highly creative mindset.

 Creative male musician in front of microphone

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions about creative vs. non-creative people:

1. In what ways does creativity help someone be successful?

Creativity can help someone be successful in many ways.

It can lead to improved performance, increased productivity and efficiency, and improved quality of life. Creative thinking can also help people break through mental blocks and find new ways of approaching problems.

What's more, creativity can foster collaboration and teamwork as well as encourage risk-taking, which can open up new possibilities.

Finally, creativity is essential for innovation, which can lead to greater success.

2. Are there certain skills that are needed for creative thinking?

Yes, there are certain skills that are needed for creative thinking.

These include problem-solving skills, critical thinking skills, and the ability to think outside the box. Furthermore, creativity requires an open mind and the willingness to take risks.

Creative thinkers also need to be able to come up with innovative solutions and have a good understanding of their field or industry.

3. Is creativity a talent or something that can be learned?

Creativity is both a talent and something that can be learned.

While some people may have a natural inclination towards creative thinking, it is something that can be developed with practice. This can be done through brainstorming, collaboration, taking risks, and embracing failure.

In addition to that, creative thinkers need to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies in their field.

4. What are some ways to encourage creativity in the workplace?

Encouraging creativity in the workplace can help foster innovation and collaboration. Here are some ways to do so:

  • Provide opportunities for creative expression.
  • Foster collaboration
  • Celebrate successes
  • Provide resources and support.
  • Encourage out-of-the-box thinking.
  • Create a positive environment.

When trying to foster creativity in your workplace, consider these methods.

5. Are there differences between how men and women approach creative tasks?

Yes, there are differences between how men and women approach creative tasks.

Generally speaking, women tend to be more collaborative and open to feedback when it comes to creative tasks. They also tend to be more risk-averse and prefer to take a step-by-step approach.

Men, on the other hand, often take a more direct approach and are more likely to take risks.

However, joint efforts between men and women can prove more successful. For a creative project, a team's productivity—whether it includes men or women—is obviously preferable to that of an individual.

In fact, a team's collective knowledge base is larger because there are more ideas and more minds involved.

When used effectively, this leads to shorter production cycles. A well-organised workforce also guarantees improved production, frequently higher quality, more innovative output, sustained motivation, increased efficiency, and quicker delivery.

 Creative entrepreneur working in front of the laptop, whilst writing


Understanding the differences between creative vs non creative person is essential for success.

Creative thinkers have the ability to think outside the box and come up with innovative solutions. They also need to stay up-to-date on trends and technologies in their field. Non-creative people can benefit from taking risks, embracing failure, and learning from setbacks.

Both creative and non-creative people can benefit from encouraging creativity in their personal lives or even at the workplace.

Working together, they can create more successful ventures, reduce the time it takes to complete projects, and increase productivity. Ultimately, recognising the contrasts between creative and non-creative people may promote creativity and collaboration in any creative business environment.

If you find this article helpful, please share it with your friends and colleagues, and do not hesitate to leave your comments below.

Here at OCCO London, we strive to provide the best resources and advice for creative professionals.

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