What Is Self-Love And Why Is It Important?

What does self-love mean? For many people, this phrase can evoke images of long bubble baths, massage appointments, or other ways of pampering ourselves that often do more for our egos than our souls.

But what if we strive for something deeper when thinking about self-love? What if there was an understanding of self-love that extended past any one activity or inclination, beyond spa days, and rooted itself in who we are at our core as individuals?

Cultivating a sense of self-love is an important process that involves developing strong relationships with ourselves. This leads to a feeling of wholeness and contentment as we learn to appreciate who we are inside and out without judgement. With this understanding, we can nurture our overall well-being and find lasting peace within ourselves.

In this article, we will explore the concept of self-love in its entirety, from its simple definition to its benefits and actionable tips on how to cultivate it in your life, so you can ultimately create authentic happiness from within!

Female creative practising self love

Understanding What Self-Love Is

Self-love is the practise of self-care, acceptance, and appreciation of oneself, including one's body image. It involves taking the time to get to know yourself deeply—your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs—and treating yourself with kindness and respect regardless of your flaws or mistakes.

Self-love is the acceptance of the fact that we are worthy and deserving of love, regardless of our size or shape. It’s about understanding that we can accept our bodies as they are while still striving for improvement in areas we may want to change, which helps us develop healthier relationships with ourselves and others, as well as a better understanding of our place in the world.

Identifying the components of self-love

Identifying the components of self-love is essential to understanding how to cultivate it in the pursuit of happiness. Self-love consists of five key components: self-acceptance, self-care, positive body image, positive thoughts, and healthy relationships. These components will help build a strong foundation of self-love, which will ultimately lead to a happier life.


Self-acceptance involves recognising and accepting your strengths and weaknesses without judgement or condition. This means understanding that you are a unique individual with different gifts and talents, as well as flaws and imperfections, without allowing yourself to be overwhelmed by a nagging feeling of inadequacy.


Self-awareness is the ability to cultivate a strong sense of self and be conscious of your mental, emotional, and physical states at any given moment. This involves taking the time to get to know yourself deeply—both on a conscious and subconscious level—so that you can better understand your reactions and motivations, as well as recognise and manage your negative emotions.


Is the practise of taking care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. This could include anything from eating healthy foods to regularly meditating or simply getting enough sleep.


Is the belief in your own value as a person. It involves recognising your worth and treating yourself kindly, even when you make mistakes or fail.


Is the practise of being kind and understanding towards yourself in difficult situations. This could involve speaking to yourself with kindness, practising self-forgiveness, or simply recognising that everyone makes mistakes.

Examining how positive thinking can increase self-love

Positive thinking helps us recognise and appreciate the good in ourselves while also providing us with a sense of hope and optimism.

It can help us to cultivate positive emotions, which counteract any negative feelings we may have about ourselves, allowing us to see the beauty in our flaws and imperfections as well as to celebrate our successes. Positive thinking allows us to focus on the present moment and enjoy it for what it is; it encourages self-acceptance and compassion, leading to increased feelings of self-love.

Positive thinking can also help us cultivate healthier relationships. When we think positively about ourselves, we are more likely to think positively about others as well.

Learning to appreciate self-worth and emotions

Learning to appreciate our self-worth and emotions is a critical part of cultivating self-love. This means understanding that we are valuable and deserving of love, respect, and acceptance even when we make mistakes or feel like a "bad person".

It also involves taking the time to become aware of our emotions and honour them without judgement or criticism. By developing a better understanding of our own emotions, we can learn to communicate them effectively and foster healthier relationships with ourselves and others.

A great way of generating a greater understanding of our emotions is to journal or meditate. Through the act of either of these, you are slowing yourself down to reflect helping your move forward.

creative entrepreneur focusing on self-love

Why Practicing Self-Love Is So Important

Self-love is essential for our overall well-being because it allows us to make healthier choices that lead to better relationships with ourselves and others.

Self-love allows us to accept ourselves and embrace our flaws while also recognising our worth and treating ourselves with kindness. It can help us cultivate positive thinking, become more aware of our emotions, and practise self-care, all of which are essential for living a happier life.

When we practise self-love, we are better able to recognise our worth and strengths while also understanding and accepting our flaws and weaknesses. This helps us to foster healthier relationships, set boundaries in our lives, and become more confident individuals.

Outlined below are some of the key benefits of practising self-love:

Improved mental and physical health

Studies have shown that the practice of self-love can help reduce negative emotions and improve mental and physical health, even during difficult times. Practising self-love can lead to increased feelings of happiness, satisfaction, and well-being, which in turn helps to reduce stress levels and promote a healthier lifestyle.

In addition, it can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. It can also lead to improved physical health by boosting our immune system, reducing inflammation, and promoting better sleep.

Increased confidence and self-esteem

Self-love exercises can help us improve our self-confidence and self-esteem. It helps us recognise our worth and strengths while also accepting our flaws and weaknesses.

This leads to a greater sense of self-acceptance, which allows us to become more confident in ourselves and our abilities. With increased confidence, we are better able to take risks and pursue our goals with courage and determination.

Better relationships with yourself and others

Self-love practice helps us develop better relationships with ourselves and others. When we learn to accept and appreciate our own worth, we are more likely to treat ourselves and those around us with kindness, respect, and understanding.

We are also better able to set healthy boundaries in our relationships and communicate our needs more clearly. This leads to healthier relationships that are based on mutual trust, respect, and understanding.

More resilience in the face of adversity

Self-love practice can help us build resilience during difficult times. By learning to accept and appreciate our own worth, we are better able to put things into perspective and focus on solutions rather than dwelling on the problem. This helps us to remain grounded and stay positive in difficult situations, allowing us to find constructive ways of dealing with adversity.

This helps us respond to difficult situations with a sense of inner strength and courage instead of giving up or feeling defeated by the challenge at hand.

Greater understanding of your values and beliefs

Through self-reflection, we can identify what is important to us and learn how to live in alignment with our core values. This helps us to become more mindful of our decisions and actions, which leads to more meaningful and fulfilling lives.

By developing an awareness of our values and beliefs, we can become more authentic and intentional in our lives.

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Higher levels of emotional intelligence

By becoming more aware of our own emotions and understanding how our behaviour affects others, we can learn to better regulate our emotions and respond to difficult situations in a more effective manner.

This helps us to become more empathetic towards ourselves and those around us, which leads to healthier relationships. In addition, increased emotional intelligence leads to greater success in both our personal and professional lives.

Now that you have a clear understanding of why practising self-love is so important, let's cover the main strategies for practising it.

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Strategies For Practicing Self-Love

To perfect anything, practise is required, and self-love is no different. Here are some of the main strategies you can implement to increase your level of self-love:

Utilise positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are a great way to practise self-love in your daily life. By repeating positive statements about yourself, you can counter the negative and damaging thoughts that can creep into your mind. It may seem like a bit of a "yogi" or "hippie" approach, but it really works—if your mind can believe it, your body will be able to achieve it!

Here's an article for your convenience on how to write affirmations effectively

Set boundaries and respect yourself

We all have different needs and values, so it’s important to know what you will and won’t accept from yourself and others. Setting clear boundaries allows us to create a safe environment for ourselves, where we can be true to ourselves without feeling judged or taken advantage of.

Give yourself permission to take a break from life’s demands

We all need time away from our hectic schedules, social media, and other distractions in order to recharge.

Taking regular breaks and getting proper sleep allows us to restore balance, clarity, and focus in our lives, which can improve our mental health and overall wellbeing. So make sure you give yourself permission to unplug and get the right amount of sleep whenever you need it.

Be mindful of your self-talk

The words you say to yourself have a huge impact on your sense of self-worth. Negative self-talk can lead to low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy, whereas positive self-talk can boost your confidence and motivate you to take action.

It’s important to be mindful of the language you use when talking to yourself and to challenge any negative thoughts that come up.

Plan activities that bring joy and happiness into your life.

Taking the time to engage in activities that make us happy is an important part of self-love.

It’s important to take time out of our hectic schedules and engage in social interactions that bring us joy and make us feel good about ourselves. This may include activities such as going out with friends, having meaningful conversations, or attending social gatherings.

Additionally, engaging in hobbies that bring you happiness is also an important part of loving yourself.

Celebrate successes, no matter how small they may be

Celebrating successes, no matter how small they may be, is a great way to practise self-love. By recognising and appreciating our accomplishments, we build self-confidence and gain motivation to keep striving towards our goals.

It is important to celebrate victories in both the large and small things that we do. Even if something seems small or insignificant, take the time to acknowledge it and give yourself a pat on the back.

There are many ways to practise self-love, as you will have just discovered; however, there are often misconceptions about it, which we will cover below.

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Dispelling Misconceptions About Self-Love

There are many misconceptions about self-love that can prevent us from cultivating a healthy relationship with ourselves.

Here are some of the most common myths and their truths:

Myth: Self-love is selfish

Truth: Self-love is not selfish; it is necessary for our wellbeing. When we practise self-love, we are taking care of our mental health and wellbeing, which in turn helps us to be better versions of ourselves and be more available to those around us.


Myth: Self-love is easy

Truth: Self-love is not something that comes easily or naturally to most people. It takes time and patience to develop a healthy relationship with yourself, but it is possible with dedication and practice.


Myth: Self-love is only about feeling good

Truth: Although feeling good is an important part of self-love, it’s not the only aspect. Challenging yourself and tackling difficult tasks can also be a form of self-love, as they allow you to grow and push your limits.


Myth: Self-love means never making mistakes

Truth: Self-love does not mean that you never make mistakes. Making mistakes is part of being human, and we all make them from time to time. Self-love means forgiving yourself for your mistakes, learning from them, and moving on without letting them define you.


Myth: Self-love is for when you are self-absorbed

Truth: Self-love does not mean that you are self-absorbed or egotistical. It is about learning to prioritise your own wellbeing and taking care of yourself first in order to be able to take better care of the people around you. Self-love encourages us to respect ourselves and our boundaries, as well as honour our needs.


Myth: Self-love doesn't help productivity

Truth: Self-love helps to increase motivation, build self-confidence, and reduce stress. All of these factors can help to improve productivity as we are able to better focus on tasks and take on more challenging projects with a positive attitude. Self-love also encourages us to have realistic expectations and set achievable goals that can be worked towards in an effective manner.


Myth: Self-love is a waste of time

Truth: Self-love is anything but a waste of time. It can help keep us motivated and focused, as well as reduce stress levels. Taking the time to give ourselves some love helps us stay balanced and achieve greater success in life, both personally and professionally. Self-love also helps us to be kinder and more compassionate towards others, so it’s definitely worth taking the time to practise it.

To conclude, self-love is an important part of our overall wellbeing and should not be taken for granted. It takes time to cultivate a healthy relationship with yourself, but it is possible with dedication and practice.

Dispelling the myths about self-love can help us understand its importance and start taking steps towards developing a healthier relationship with ourselves.

With everything mentioned, you will no doubt still have some questions. Below, we have outlined the most commonly asked ones for your ease.

 Female creative entrepreneur practising self-love

Frequently Asked Questions

We've answered the most frequently asked questions about self-love, so you know exactly what it's all about and aren't left wondering.

How can I practise self-love on a daily basis?

Practising self-love on a daily basis is essential for maintaining a healthy relationship with yourself. To get started, try engaging in mindful exercises such as meditation, journaling, and positive affirmations.

Make time to do activities you enjoy and show yourself kindness by being gentle with yourself when things don't go as planned, striving to be compassionate towards yourself and others, and practising gratitude for the positives in your life.

Some additional elements to also consider include:

• Acknowledge your strengths and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.

• Take time out of your day to do something that makes you feel good, such as reading a book or listening to music.

• Make sure to get enough rest and nourishment throughout the day.

• Practice healthy habits such as exercising regularly, eating nutritious foods, and engaging in activities that promote relaxation.

• Spend time with people who make you feel good about yourself, and don’t be afraid to reach out for help when you need it.

• Learn how to say no to things that don’t serve you and practise positive self-talk.

• Forgive yourself for mistakes and be kind to yourself.

To sum up, self-love is something that needs to be actively practised in order to become a habit. It is important to set aside time each day for self-care, even if it’s only 10 minutes.

Setting small goals and making simple changes can help you create an environment of self-love, which will have a positive impact on your overall health and well-being.

Are there any potential drawbacks to engaging in too much self-love?

While self-love is important, engaging in too much of it can potentially lead to some drawbacks.

For instance, if you are constantly indulging in activities that make you feel good and focus solely on yourself, this can lead to selfishness and an inability to prioritize the needs of others.

Additionally, focusing too much on self-love could lead to a lack of motivation due to having unrealistic expectations and concentrating too much on your own needs.

Therefore, it is important to strike a balance between self-love and other activities such as spending time with friends, taking on challenging tasks, and helping others.

Are there any resources I can use to learn more about self-love?

Yes, there are a number of resources available to help you learn more about self-love. Here are some ideas to get you started:

• Read books on the topic of self-love, such as "The Self-Love Workbook" by Joanna Brewster or "Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself" by Kristin Neff.

• Watch videos or listen to podcasts on the subject, such as "The Self-Love Series" by Dr. Shefali.

• Take online courses and attend workshops on self-love, such as those offered by the Center for Mindful Living and Learning.

• Follow inspiring Instagram accounts that focus on promoting positive self-talk and self-care while pushing to achieve your goals, such as OCCO London.

What are self-love characteristics?

Self-love characteristics can vary from person to person, but there are some common traits that are important for developing a positive relationship with yourself.

These include:

• Self-respect: showing respect and appreciation for oneself, both physically and emotionally. This means being kind to yourself, understanding your own worth, and accepting yourself as you are.

• Self-acceptance: being able to recognise and accept one’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as any mistakes or shortcomings.

• Self-compassion: showing kindness and understanding towards oneself, even when it is hard. This includes forgiving yourself for mistakes and not being too critical of your own actions or words.

• Self-confidence: believing in your abilities and having trust in yourself. This means being comfortable with and proud of who you are and having the courage to take risks and put yourself out there.

It is also important to remember that self-love should not be confused with narcissism or self-absorption. While it is important to love and appreciate yourself, this should not come at the cost of neglecting or disregarding other people’s feelings and needs.

Self-love should be a balanced approach to taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health.

What are the 5 steps to self-love?

The five steps to self-love are as follows:

  1. Acknowledge your strengths: Take a moment to reflect on all the unique qualities and talents you possess, and be proud of them.
  2. Respect your feelings: Take the time to truly acknowledge and understand your emotions, without judgment or criticism.
  3. Set healthy boundaries: learn to say "no" when you need to and prioritise your needs over others.

  4. Practice self-care: Taking care of yourself is essential for developing a positive relationship with yourself. Engage in activities that make you feel good, such as exercising, reading a book, or taking a relaxing bath.
  5. Let go of negative self-talk: Remind yourself that you are worthy and capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.

What is the key to self-love?

The key to self-love is to be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

It is important to take responsibility for yourself and strive towards positive changes in your life. This means being gentle with yourself, recognising your strengths and imperfections, setting healthy boundaries, and engaging in self-care activities.

Self-love also involves understanding that mistakes are a natural part of life and learning from them. Above all, self-love is about giving yourself the kindness and respect that you deserve.

Why do we need to love ourselves?

We need to love ourselves because it is essential for our wellbeing, both mentally and physically.

Self-love helps us to feel happier and more content in our lives, as it enables us to accept ourselves for who we are. When we learn to love and appreciate ourselves, we become better able to handle life’s challenges, as well as any criticism from others.

Self-love also helps us build healthier relationships with other people. When we learn to love and appreciate ourselves, we become better able to trust others and establish meaningful connections.

Additionally, self-love gives us the confidence to pursue our dreams and ambitions without fear of failure or judgement. Finally, it can help us develop a sense of purpose in life and feel more fulfilled.

male creative practising self care


In conclusion, it's clear that self-love carries a multitude of benefits for our physical and mental health, from improving our sense of joy and well-being to giving us greater insight into ourselves as individuals so that we can reach our potential in life.

Cultivating authentic relationships with yourself through radical self-love requires dedication and consistent effort. However, by utilising the right resources and taking time each day to learn more about yourself, you can make lasting changes that will have a positive impact on your life.

If you are struggling to give yourself the self-love you are looking for, it would be beneficial to speak to a trained professional. We recommend the following, depending on your wants and needs:

A life coach

They will assist you in going deep to work out the core problem area and the blockers that are preventing you from moving forward into a happier and more resolved space.

A councillor

Many issues can be worked through during a counselling session by using simple exercises, whether you are feeling misunderstood, unloved, or lost, or you are suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder.

You GP

They will be able to investigate the problem areas and point you in the right direction for further help and assistance.

The key thing to remember is that you are more than enough; you are loved; and you, yes, you, can achieve anything you put your mind to!

We hope you have found this an excellent article and that you can now take good care of yourself, as you are the one who is going to make your goals a reality.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to DM us on social media or leave a comment below.

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