The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Work Burnout

Do you feel exhausted, irritable, and unproductive at work? You may be experiencing work burnout.

Burnout is a common problem that can affect anyone, regardless of their job or industry. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and unable to cope with the demands of your job.

The good news is that work burnout is preventable and treatable. With the right strategies, you can overcome burnout and regain your energy, motivation, and productivity.

This article will provide you with practical tips and advice for avoiding work burnout, recognising the signs of burnout, and recovering from burnout. You'll learn how to manage your stress levels, set boundaries, and find a better work-life balance.

Creative lady struggling with work burnout

Understanding the Causes of Work Burnout

Work burnout is a state of chronic workplace stress characterised by feelings of energy depletion, mental distance from one's job, and a decline in productivity. It can be caused by various factors, including organizational, interpersonal, and individual factors.

Burnout in terms of organisational factors can be caused by poor management, lack of job satisfaction, excessive workloads, and work-life imbalance. Interpersonal factors include workplace conflicts, bullying, and harassment. Individual factors like perfectionism, a fear of failure, self-doubt, or unrealistic expectations can also contribute to burnout.

Causes of Work Burnout

The following are seven common causes of work burnout:

Excessive workload

An excessive amount of work can often lead to burnout in the workplace. When individuals are faced with an overwhelming number of tasks and responsibilities, it can lead to chronic stress and feelings of energy depletion.

The pressure to meet deadlines and deliver results can result in mental and physical fatigue, ultimately contributing to burnout symptoms. Long-term exposure to high levels of workload without adequate support or resources can have detrimental effects on both mental and physical health.

The consequences of excessive workload extend beyond the workplace. It can spill over into personal life, causing work-life imbalance and impeding individuals from engaging in activities that promote well-being and rejuvenation.

The continuous strain of juggling excessive work demands can lead to cognitive weariness and diminished performance, further exacerbating the risk of burnout. Therefore, addressing workload issues and promoting realistic expectations are crucial to preventing and managing work-related burnout.

Lack of control

A significant cause of work burnout is a lack of control over one's work environment and decision-making processes. When individuals feel disempowered and unable to influence their job tasks or work processes, it can contribute to feelings of frustration, helplessness, and chronic stress.

The lack of autonomy can undermine motivation and job satisfaction, ultimately leading to burnout.

Having a sense of control over one's work is essential for maintaining psychological well-being. Empowering employees by involving them in decision-making, providing opportunities for autonomy and creativity, and fostering a supportive and inclusive work culture can help mitigate the risk of burnout.

When individuals have a degree of control over their work, they are more likely to experience a sense of fulfilment, leading to higher job engagement and reduced burnout levels.

Job demands

High job demands can significantly contribute to work burnout. When individuals face excessive job demands such as tight deadlines, heavy workloads, and the need to constantly multitask, it can lead to chronic stress and mental exhaustion. The constant pressure to perform at high levels without sufficient resources or support can deplete energy levels and impair overall well-being.

Job demands that exceed an individual's capabilities and available resources can create a vicious cycle of stress and burnout.

It is essential for organisations to assess and manage job demands effectively, ensuring they align with employees' skills and abilities.

Providing adequate resources, promoting effective time management, and encouraging open communication can help individuals cope with job demands more effectively, reducing the risk of burnout.

Work-life imbalance

Work-life imbalance is a significant contributor to work burnout. When individuals are unable to achieve a satisfactory balance between their work responsibilities and personal lives, it can lead to chronic stress and emotional exhaustion.

Continuous neglect of personal life can strain relationships, decrease overall life satisfaction, and contribute to burnout symptoms.

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is crucial for maintaining mental and physical well-being. Organisations can support employees by implementing policies that promote flexible work arrangements, encouraging employees to take breaks and vacations, and fostering a culture that values work-life integration.

By promoting work-life balance, individuals can recharge, engage in meaningful activities outside of work, and reduce the risk of burnout.

Lack of social support

The absence of social support within the workplace can significantly contribute to job burnout. When individuals lack positive relationships, connections, and support from colleagues and supervisors, it can lead to feelings of isolation, emotional exhaustion, and burnout symptoms. Social support plays a vital role in buffering the impact of chronic stress and promoting resilience.

Organisations can foster a supportive work environment by encouraging collaboration, team-building activities, and open communication. Providing opportunities for employees to connect, share experiences, and seek guidance can enhance social support systems and reduce the risk of burnout.

Additionally, promoting a culture of empathy and understanding and training supervisors to recognise signs of workplace burnout can further enhance the availability of social support within the workplace.

By acknowledging the importance of social connections and cultivating a supportive work environment, individuals are more likely to feel valued, understood, and supported. This, in turn, can mitigate the negative impact of chronic workplace stress and reduce the risk of burnout.

Values misalignment

Differences in values between individuals and their organisations can be a factor in the experience of work burnout. When employees perceive a significant discrepancy between their own personal values and the values and culture of the organisation, it can lead to feelings of cynicism, negativism, and emotional exhaustion.

The misalignment of values can create a sense of dissonance and conflict, ultimately impacting motivation and job satisfaction.

To address values misalignment, organisations can foster a culture that promotes transparency, clear communication, and alignment of organisational values with individual values.

Creating opportunities for employees to express their values, ensuring fairness and ethical practises, and encouraging meaningful work can reduce the risk of burnout associated with values misalignment.

By aligning personal and organisational values, individuals are more likely to experience a sense of purpose and fulfilment, decreasing the likelihood of burnout.

Creative founder struggling with work phone out

Identifying the signs and symptoms of burnout

Burnout can manifest in various ways; however, some common signs and symptoms include:

Physical exhaustion

Physical exhaustion is a common symptom of burnout resulting from chronic workplace stress. Individuals experiencing feelings of burnout may feel constant fatigue and a lack of energy to carry out their daily tasks.

This physical fatigue can manifest as a sense of heaviness, muscle tension, and overall decreased stamina.

Prolonged exposure to high levels of stress and inadequate rest can weaken the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses and other medical conditions. It is important to address physical exhaustion to prevent further deterioration of physical health and to promote overall well-being.

Reduced performance

A frequent occurrence of burnout is decreased work performance, which is a result of long-term stress in the workplace.

As individuals experience burnout, their ability to concentrate, make decisions, and perform tasks efficiently may decline. The mental exhaustion and cognitive weariness associated with burnout can impair cognitive functioning, leading to decreased productivity and an increased likelihood of errors or missed deadlines.

Recognising reduced performance as a symptom of burnout is crucial to addressing the underlying chronic stress and its impact on work-related tasks.

Implementing interventions to manage daily stress levels, improve work-life balance, and promote self-care can help individuals restore their performance and prevent further decline.

Emotional exhaustion

Emotional exhaustion is a key symptom of burnout and a result of chronic workplace stress. Individuals experiencing burnout often feel emotional instability and depletion, which can manifest as a sense of energy depletion on an emotional level.

This emotional exhaustion can lead to feelings of detachment, reduced motivation, and increased irritability.

It is important to recognise and address emotional exhaustion as a symptom of burnout to prevent the development of mental health issues such as clinical depression.

Seeking support from mental health professionals and implementing strategies for stress management and self-care are essential to managing emotional exhaustion and promoting overall well-being.

Increased negativity

Increased negativity is a common symptom associated with burnout and chronic workplace stress. As individuals experience burnout, they may develop a negative outlook towards work-related tasks, colleagues, and the overall work environment.

This negativity can contribute to feelings of cynicism, negativism, and emotional exhaustion.

Recognising and addressing increased negativity as a symptom of burnout is crucial to creating a more positive work environment and fostering employee well-being.

Detachment and disengagement

Detachment and disengagement are prominent symptoms of burnout, resulting from chronic workplace stress and the associated mental exhaustion.

Individuals experiencing burnout may develop mental distance and feel disconnected from their job and its significance. This detachment can lead to a lack of motivation, reduced interest in work-related activities, and a decline in job satisfaction. Moreover, individuals may also experience disengagement in their personal lives, as the effects of burnout can extend beyond the workplace.

Reduced satisfaction

Reduced satisfaction is a common symptom experienced by individuals facing burnout due to chronic workplace stress.

As burnout progresses, individuals may find that tasks they once enjoyed and found fulfilling become mundane and joyless.

This reduction in satisfaction can have a significant impact on overall quality of life, job performance, and well-being.


Insomnia is a common symptom of burnout caused by chronic workplace stress. As individuals experience burnout, they may find it increasingly difficult to fall asleep and remain asleep for extended periods of time.

This difficulty in falling and staying asleep can lead to fatigue during the day, decreased productivity, and impaired cognitive functioning.

Insomnia can make it difficult for individuals to focus on tasks or make decisions, further impairing job performance.

Physical symptoms

The physical signs of burnout caused by prolonged work stress can appear in different forms. Individuals facing burnout may experience headaches, muscle tension, fatigue, and weakened immune systems.

Moreover, they may also report feelings of being overwhelmed and increased levels of anxiety. These physical symptoms can impair cognitive functioning and affect job performance, leading to a further decline in work-related tasks.

It is important to recognise these physical symptoms of burnout and seek support to manage them.

Reduced creativity

Experiencing reduced creativity is often associated with burnout resulting from chronic workplace stress.

As individuals experience burnout, they may find it increasingly difficult to come up with creative solutions and ideas. This difficulty in accessing creative thinking can result in a lack of enthusiasm for problem-solving tasks and can lead to feelings of frustration and disinterest in work-related activities.

Furthermore, reduced creativity can also affect job performance, as individuals may be unable to think of innovative solutions to workplace challenges.

Neglecting self-care

One of the most common symptoms associated with burnout due to chronic workplace stress is neglecting self-care.

As individuals experience burnout, they may begin to pay less attention to their physical and emotional well-being. This neglect can manifest itself in a variety of ways, such as poor nutrition, inadequate sleep, and a lack of exercise. What's more, individuals may also neglect their mental health and fail to take time out for relaxation or self-reflection.

It is important to identify and manage burnout to improve work performance and quality of life. Prioritising self-care can promote a healthier work-life balance and enhance workplace well-being.

Understanding the role of workplace culture in burnout

It is crucial for those experiencing burnout syndrome to comprehend the impact of workplace culture on their condition. In many cases, workplace culture can have a significant impact on an individual’s mental and physical health, as well as job performance.

A toxic work environment can contribute to burnout by increasing levels of stress and reducing job satisfaction. Moreover, in some cases, an organisational culture of overwork can lead to increased feelings of exhaustion and frustration.

In order to prevent burnout, it is important to create a supportive workplace environment that encourages rest and relaxation. This includes providing flexible working hours, promoting proper nutrition, offering mental health support, and encouraging workers to take regular breaks from work.

Recognising the impact of work-life balance on burnout

Work-life balance is an important factor to consider when attempting to manage burnout symptoms caused by chronic workplace stress.

It is essential for individuals to recognise the importance of separating their personal and professional lives in order to maintain a healthy outlook on both.

Having a good work-life balance can help reduce feelings of stress and burnout, as it allows individuals to have more flexible schedules and create boundaries between their professional and personal lives.

Furthermore, taking regular breaks from work can help individuals relax and recharge, boosting productivity levels in the workplace.

Creative man struggling with work burn out

Strategies for Preventing Work Burnout

Burnout can be a serious issue that affects both mental and physical health, work performance, and overall quality of life. Therefore, it is important to take proactive measures to avoid burnout and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Here are some strategies for preventing work burnout:

Prioritising self-care and stress management techniques

Prioritising self-care and stress management techniques is essential for preventing work burnout.

Self-care should involve activities that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being, such as getting quality sleep, eating nutritious meals, exercising regularly, and engaging in relaxation techniques. Additionally, it is important to set aside time for leisure activities that give individuals a sense of purpose and satisfaction.

It is also important for individuals to prioritise emotional well-being by engaging in activities such as mindfulness or meditation, which can help to reduce stress and anxiety.

To access more information on emotional self-care, please refer to "The Ultimate Guide to Emotional Self-Care".

Setting boundaries and learning to say no

Setting boundaries and learning to say no are important parts of preventing work burnout.

It is essential for individuals to recognise the importance of setting boundaries between their personal and professional lives in order to maintain a healthy outlook on both.

Establishing firm limits and creating a sense of balance between work and other areas of life can help reduce feelings of stress and exhaustion. Furthermore, it is important to learn to say no to tasks and requests that are outside of one's job description or are too time-consuming.

Creating a supportive network of colleagues and friends

Creating a supportive network of colleagues and friends is an essential factor in preventing work burnout. Having a strong support system of peers at work can help individuals cope with the demands of their job, while also providing emotional and mental support when needed.

Having strong social relationships outside of work can be beneficial in terms of reducing stress and alleviating feelings of loneliness or isolation.

Connecting with friends and family can help provide individuals with a sense of purpose and joy outside of their professional lives.

Taking breaks and disconnecting from work regularly

Research suggests that taking frequent breaks and disconnecting from work may help alleviate the symptoms of burnout.

Taking time away from work will allow individuals to recharge, boost their energy levels, and return to their job with more focus and enthusiasm.

It is important for individuals to take advantage of their vacation days and other forms of leave to ensure that they are getting enough rest and relaxation. Additionally, it is helpful to disconnect from work-related tasks during the weekend or evenings in order to reduce stress levels.

Seeking professional help if necessary

If the strategies outlined above are unsuccessful at preventing work burnout, it may be necessary to seek professional help. Talking with a mental health professional can provide individuals with the proper tools and guidance to manage their stress levels and prevent burnout in the workplace.

A mental health professional can provide individuals with an individualised treatment plan that is tailored to meet their specific needs.

What's more, a mental health professional can provide practical strategies for managing stress and developing healthy coping mechanisms.

Creative lady tired from work burnout

Improving Workplace Culture to Prevent Burnout

Working in a positive workplace culture is essential for preventing work burnout. A healthy workplace culture should involve open communication between colleagues and leadership, recognition of employees’ achievements, and support for mental health initiatives.

It is vital to ensure that all employees feel valued and respected in the workplace.

Employers can create a supportive environment by providing employees with the necessary tools and resources to succeed in their job, offering flexible work schedules, and promoting a healthy work-life balance. Providing employees with regular feedback on their performance can also help to create a positive workplace culture.

Encouraging open communication and feedback

Encouraging open communication and feedback is essential for preventing work burnout. It is important for employers to provide employees with an accessible channel to voice their opinions and concerns.

This can be achieved by holding regular meetings or utilising online forums where employees feel safe to express themselves.

It is also important for employers to provide timely feedback on employee performance in order to increase job satisfaction and motivation.

Providing opportunities for professional development and growth

In order to prevent burnout, it is important for employers to provide employees with opportunities for professional growth and development.

By investing in employees' education and training, employers can ensure that their employees are up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies. This can help increase job satisfaction and motivation levels.

Moreover, providing employees with the opportunity to attend conferences or seminars can also help prevent burnout by giving them a chance to network and learn from experts in their field.

Offering employee wellness programmes and resources

Employee wellness programmes and resources are essential tools for preventing work burnout. Employers can offer employees access to mental health services, health coaching, or wellness activities such as yoga or meditation. These initiatives can help reduce stress levels and boost employee morale.

In addition, employers can provide educational materials that inform employees on how to manage stress and practise self-care. This can help employees stay motivated and engaged in their work.

Improving workplace culture Creating a positive workplace culture is key to preventing work burnout. Employers can improve the workplace culture by implementing policies that recognise and reward employee achievements, providing employees with clear job expectations, and creating an environment that encourages collaboration and open communication.

Moreover, employers should make sure that their workplace policies are fair and consistent across all departments. This can help to ensure that all employees feel respected.

Burnt out creative male struggling with his business 

Maintaining a Work-Life Balance to Avoid Burnout

Creating a healthy work-life balance is important for preventing work burnout. Providing employees with flexible schedules can help reduce stress levels and boost productivity.

Allowing employees the freedom to choose when and how they complete their tasks can help create a sense of autonomy and control over their day-to-day lives.

What's more, offering employees the opportunity to work remotely can help prevent burnout by providing them with a better work-life balance. Allowing employees to work from home or from other locations can provide individuals with more freedom and flexibility, which can lead to increased job satisfaction.

Setting realistic expectations and boundaries

Setting realistic expectations and boundaries is essential for avoiding work burnout. It is important for employers to be realistic when setting expectations and goals for employees.

Establishing clear deadlines and ensuring that employees have enough time to complete tasks can help reduce stress levels and create a positive work environment.

It is also important for employers to set boundaries when it comes to working hours and the number of hours an employee should work each week.

Employers should strive to create a healthy work-life balance for their employees by allowing them to take breaks and have time off when needed.

Prioritising non-work activities and hobbies

Prioritising non-work activities and hobbies is a great way to prevent work burnout. Taking time out for yourself to engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation can help reduce stress levels and boost job satisfaction.

These activities can range from simple things like taking a walk or reading a book to more involved ones like playing an instrument or joining a sports team.

The Priority Pad from OCCO London can assist in prioritising non-work activities and hobbies.

Creating a schedule and sticking to it

Creating a schedule and sticking to it is an important part of avoiding work burnout.

Creating a schedule that includes both work-related tasks and personal activities can help establish a healthy work-life balance. Schedules should be tailored to the individual's needs, taking into account their commitments, strengths, and weaknesses.

Sticking to the schedule can help individuals stay organised and motivated while avoiding burnout. Tools like OCCO London's Could Do Pad can help create and manage a schedule that works for the individual.

Learning to disconnect from work and relax in your free time

It is essential to learn how to disconnect from work and relax in order to prevent burnout. Taking time away from work and engaging in stress-reduction activities can help reduce feelings of anxiety and boost job satisfaction.

When it comes to relaxation, there are plenty of activities that can be done at home. Meditation, yoga, and deep breathing are all great ways to reduce stress and relax the mind. Additionally, taking time to engage in hobbies or activities such as reading a book or playing a musical instrument can help promote relaxation.

Making sure that you are getting enough sleep is also important for avoiding burnout. Getting seven to eight hours of quality sleep each night can help individuals recharge and stay productive.

Creative lady battling with work burnout

Bouncing Back From Burnout

Burnout can be crippling, but with the right steps, you can bounce back to your former self.

Take a break from work

It is important to take a break from work in order to allow oneself time to recharge and recover.

Take a vacation, utilise your sick leave, or consider taking a sabbatical if necessary. Stepping away from work can help reduce the risk of burnout and provide an opportunity for rest and rejuvenation.

Engage in relaxation techniques

Engaging in relaxation techniques is an effective way to manage stress and combat burnout. Practises such as deep breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, or mindfulness can help reduce feelings of mental exhaustion and promote a sense of calm and well-being.

These techniques allow you to focus on the present moment, release tension, and cultivate a more balanced mindset. Regular practise of relaxation techniques can help regulate your stress response, improve sleep quality, and restore your energy levels.

Whether it's incorporating short mindfulness breaks throughout the day or dedicating specific time for relaxation exercises, prioritising these techniques can have a profound impact on your ability to bounce back from burnout and build resilience to future stressors.

Consider seeking professional help

When dealing with burnout, it's important to recognise the value of seeking professional help. There are two key professionals you can consider reaching out to: a general practitioner and a counsellor.

General practitioner

Your general practitioner (GP) plays a crucial role in your overall health and well-being. When experiencing burnout, it's essential to consult with your GP for a comprehensive assessment and might be able to provide you with a medical diagnosis.

They can evaluate your physical health, rule out any underlying medical conditions, and provide appropriate guidance. Your GP can also offer advice on managing burnout symptoms, suggest lifestyle modifications, and recommend strategies to improve your overall well-being.

They may also advise you to have contact with health services, such as mental health specialists, if necessary. Seeking the expertise of a general practitioner can ensure that your physical health is addressed and that any potential medical conditions contributing to burnout are properly managed.


A counsellor or therapist can provide valuable support and guidance during your burnout recovery process. These mental health professionals are trained to help individuals navigate emotional and psychological challenges.

A counsellor can assist you in exploring the underlying causes of burnout, identifying and managing work-related stress triggers, and developing coping strategies.

They can offer a safe space for you to express your feelings of negativism, thoughts, and concerns related to burnout interventions. Through therapeutic techniques, counselling sessions can help you gain insight into your burnout experience, learn healthier coping mechanisms, and develop resilience to prevent future burnout.

Working with a counsellor can be an effective way to address the emotional and psychological aspects of burnout and support your overall well-being.

Talk to your boss and colleagues

Open and honest communication with your boss and colleagues is essential in the recovery process from burnout.

Sharing your burnout experience with them can help foster understanding and collaboration. It's important to discuss your concerns, express your needs, and explore potential solutions together. This may involve discussing workload distribution, setting realistic expectations, or requesting additional support or resources.

By involving your boss and colleagues in the conversation, you can create a supportive work environment that acknowledges and addresses the impact of burnout. Collaborative efforts can lead to adjustments that help alleviate the stress and reduce the risk of recurrence, ultimately supporting your recovery journey.

Focus on self-care and healthy habits

Prioritising self-care and cultivating healthy habits are crucial aspects of recovering from burnout. Paying attention to your physical and emotional needs is essential for rebuilding energy levels and enhancing your overall well-being.

Engage in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and fulfilment. Set aside time for self-care practises such as exercise, hobbies, spending time with loved ones, or engaging in activities that promote relaxation and self-reflection.

It's important to establish a healthy work-life balance and implement self-care strategies that work best for you.

By incorporating these habits into your daily routine, you can replenish your energy levels, improve your resilience to stress, and promote a more sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle.

Find a support system

Building a support system is crucial for bouncing back from burnout. Seek out individuals who can provide understanding, empathy, and encouragement during your recovery journey.

This may include friends, family members, or even support groups with individuals who have experienced similar burnout. Sharing your feelings and experiences with others who can relate can help alleviate feelings of isolation and provide a sense of validation.

Additionally, seeking support from mental health professionals, such as counsellors or therapists, can offer a safe and confidential space to discuss your burnout experience. They can provide guidance and coping strategies and help you develop resilience in the face of future challenges.

Remember, you don't have to navigate the recovery process alone; a strong support system can provide the encouragement and resources you need to bounce back.

Take preventative measures to avoid burnout in the future

As you recover from burnout, it's important to take proactive steps to prevent it from happening again in the future.

Reflect on the factors that contributed to your burnout experience and identify potential triggers or warning signs.

Set realistic boundaries between work and personal life, establish a healthy work-life balance, and prioritise self-care as an ongoing practise. Implement stress management techniques, such as time management strategies, delegating tasks, and seeking support when needed.

Regularly assess your energy levels, emotional well-being, and job satisfaction, and make adjustments as necessary. By taking preventative measures, you can create a healthier and more sustainable work environment that reduces the risk of burnout and promotes your long-term well-being.

Remember to take it one step at a time

Recovering from burnout is a gradual process that requires patience and self-compassion. It's important to remember that healing takes time and that progress may be incremental.

Avoid putting excessive pressure on yourself to bounce back quickly. Instead, focus on taking small steps forward and celebrating each milestone along the way. Be gentle with yourself and acknowledge that setbacks may occur.

By approaching your recovery journey with a compassionate mindset, you can gradually regain your energy, motivation, and overall well-being. Taking it one step at a time allows you to build a solid foundation for sustainable recovery and resilience against future burnout.

After reading through the information provided above, you may still have some questions about work burnout. In the next section of this blog post, we will answer some of the most commonly asked questions about this topic.

Creative male found a bouncing back from work burnout

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about work burnout.

What are the signs and symptoms of work burnout?

Work burnout is characterised by physical, emotional, and mental exhaustion. Common signs and symptoms include: feeling drained or depleted of energy; difficulty focusing; irritability or apathy; increased feelings of cynicism or detachment; loss of motivation; difficulty completing tasks; decreased job satisfaction; feelings of frustration, overwhelm, hopelessness, or helplessness; and changes in sleep patterns.

By recognising these signs and symptoms early, you can address the issue before it impacts your physical or mental health.

How can I prevent work burnout?

Preventing work burnout starts with understanding the factors that contribute to it. These may include feelings of pressure or overwhelm due to an excessive workload, a lack of control over tasks and responsibilities, inadequate support from colleagues or supervisors, feeling undervalued at work, and conflicting expectations.

To reduce the risk of burnout, it's important to prioritise self-care as an ongoing practise. This may include setting realistic boundaries between work and personal life, delegating tasks when possible, engaging in stress management techniques such as yoga or meditation, and seeking support from a trusted friend or counsellor.

Regularly assessing your energy levels and job satisfaction can also help you identify potential triggers for burnout before it becomes a problem.

What are some effective coping strategies for work burnout?

Coping with work burnout can be a difficult process, but there are several strategies that can help.

Firstly, it’s important to recognise and validate your feelings. Taking time to acknowledge and express your emotions can help you better understand your triggers and how to manage them in the future.

It’s also important to set realistic expectations for yourself, both at work and in your personal life. Aiming for gradual progress rather than perfection can help you stay resilient against further burnout.

Additionally, prioritise self-care as a regular practise. This may include getting sufficient sleep, engaging in leisure activities, taking regular breaks throughout the day, and seeking support from trusted friends or counsellors. These strategies can help promote your well-being and reduce the risk of future burnout.

How can I talk to my employer about work burnout?

Talking to your employer about work burnout can be a daunting prospect, but it is an important step in addressing the issue. Before having the conversation, it’s important to assess the situation and identify potential solutions or changes that could help prevent future burnout. Preparing an action plan with clear goals can help you have a productive discussion with your employer.

When talking to your employer, be honest and direct about your feelings. Explain how the current work environment is impacting your well-being and make it clear that you need their support. It’s also important to remain open to suggestions from your employer on how to improve the situation.

By speaking up about work burnout, you can help create a healthier working environment for yourself and your colleagues.

When should I seek professional help for work burnout?

If you are experiencing persistent signs and symptoms of work burnout, it may be time to seek professional help. A mental health provider can offer guidance on how to manage the stress and exhaustion that come with burnout.

They can also provide resources to help you create a healthier working environment.

It’s important to recognise when self-care and lifestyle adjustments are not enough to manage work burnout. If you have tried different coping strategies but nothing is alleviating your stress or exhaustion, it may be time to seek help from a health professional. A mental health provider can evaluate your symptoms and develop an individualised treatment plan that works for you.

They can provide strategies and resources to help you manage the stress of work burnout and create a healthier working environment.

creative male working at his desk post work burnout


Work burnout can be a serious issue that affects your physical and mental health, as well as your job performance and overall quality of life.

By recognising the signs and symptoms, identifying the causes, and taking proactive steps to prevent burnout, you can maintain a healthy work-life balance and avoid burnout. This includes setting boundaries, taking breaks, practising self-care, and seeking support from friends and colleagues.

If you do experience burnout, there are effective coping strategies that can help you recover, such as mindfulness and cognitive-behavioural therapy. Don't hesitate to talk to your employer about your concerns and seek professional help if needed.

Remember, taking care of yourself is essential for both your personal and professional success.

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OCCO London wishes you success and wellbeing! We are here to support you in any way we can.

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