Digital Vs Physical Vision Board: Which Is Right For You?

Are you considering creating a vision board to help you stay focused and motivated but are stuck choosing between a digital or physical one? It can be difficult to decide which one is best for you.

Setting goals is the key to success, but achieving them often seems like an insurmountable challenge. One solution is to create a vision board, which is an effective strategy for developing and realising our ambitions in life. The question is, which type of vision board will work best for you?

In this article, we will answer this question by outlining the benefits of each option, along with easy-to-follow tips and tricks that you can use on your journey towards success, whether you choose digital vs physical one!

We’ll discuss elements like design, personalization, and inspiration, as well as methods for staying motivated so you can make informed decisions about what's best for your individual needs. It's time to take charge and take control of your destiny!

entreppreneur sticking vision baord onto a wall

What Is A Vision Board?

It is a powerful tool for focusing on and manifesting your goals. It's also known as dream board, or a goal board, and it's a terrific way to focus on goal planning.

It consists of a collection of images, words, quotes, and other visuals such as magazine clippings or design components that symbolise your life goals.

Making a vision board can help you stay motivated and inspired while you strive towards living the life of your dreams.

The purpose of a vision board

It enables you to see your intentions and focus on the desired result.

By focusing on images and words that represent your goals, you can stay focused and motivated to achieve them. They act as reminders of our ambitions and dreams while providing us with the push we need to take action.

This positive reinforcement keeps us inspired to reach our goals, no matter what.

Physical vision boards

A physical vision board is a tangible, real-life representation of your goals, dreams, and aspirations. It is a tool that can be used to help you manifest your desires and stay focused on your ambitions.

In essence, a physical vision board is a collection of images, words, and phrases that reflect your goals and dreams. These elements can be cut out of magazines or printed from online sources, then arranged and displayed on a poster board or other type of physical medium.

The purpose of a physical board is to provide a visual representation of your goals, which can help motivate and inspire them to take action towards achieving those goals.

Unlike digital vision boards, which are created and stored on electronic devices, physical vision boards can be displayed in a prominent location within your home or workspace.

This means that they can serve as a constant reminder of your goals, helping you to stay on track and remain focused on what you want to achieve.

Digital vision boards

On the other hand, a digital vision board is a visual representation of your goals, aspirations, and desires that can be accessed from electronic devices such as computers, smartphones, or tablets. In contrast to a physical vision board, a digital version is made by using digital tools.

Creating a digital vision board typically involves using software or online tools to compile images, text, and other visual representations of your goals and desires. These digital elements can be arranged and organised on a virtual canvas, allowing you to create a personalised and dynamic representation of your aspirations.

A digital vision board can easily be updated and modified as your goals and desires change. Additionally, digital vision boards can be easily shared with others, allowing you to gain feedback, support, and motivation from friends, family members, or colleagues.

If you're looking for additional ideas for creating a vision board, then look no further than this article we have written with everything you need to know... "Best Vision Board Ideas for 2023: The Ultimate Guide".

You may be wondering which type of vision board will work best for you. Before we dive into the details, let's explore each option and its advantages in greater depth.

Creative images, ready for a vision board

The Benefits Of Digital Vision Boards

Knowing the benefits of these two types of vision boards is essential in deciding which one to choose.

Here are some benefits of a digital vision board:

Easily accessible across devices

Digital vision boards are available on multiple devices, increasing accessibility and convenience.

Since digital vision boards can be accessed from a computer, tablet, or smartphone, you don't have to worry about lugging around a physical board with you everywhere. This makes it easier to stay on track and motivated towards achieving your goals whenever and wherever you are.

Furthermore, since digital vision boards can be updated easily, you can make changes to your board as your goals and desires evolve over time.

Ability to save and organise in various file formats

Digital vision boards can be saved and organised in various file formats. This is especially useful if you want to keep track of your progress and make changes over time.

With digital boards, it’s easy to store, access, and modify your board whenever you need to. You can save different versions of the same board or categorise them according to topic or project.

The ability to organise your boards in various ways helps you stay organised and motivated towards achieving your goals.

Quickly searchable and locate specific items

Digital vision boards allow for quick searching, making it easy to find specific items.

With digital vision boards, you can easily find what you’re looking for by searching keywords, images, or text. This makes it more efficient and convenient when compared to physical boards since you don’t have to manually comb through the board in order to locate a specific item.

This feature can be especially helpful when you have a large vision board with many items.

Accessing, saving, organising, and searching for elements in digital vision boards is easy due to their versatile file formats. If you think this is something that you would benefit from, then digital vision boards might be the ideal choice!

Now let's take a look at the advantages of physical vision boards.

female creative lady making her own digital vision board 

The Benefits Of Physical Vision Boards

Here are some benefits of a physical vision board:

Physically visualise your dreams using tangible materials

The ability to physically visualise your dreams using tangible materials is one of the major benefits of creating a physical vision board. By having an actual board in front of you, you can use it to remind yourself of your aspirations and help keep them at the forefront of your mind.

Furthermore, since you’re working with physical objects, you can add more depth and texture to your vision board by using various materials such as fabric, paper, or glitter.

The tactile experience of arranging each item on the board can also be very calming and therapeutic.

Creating an emotional connection to your vision board through crafting

One of the major benefits of creating a physical vision board is that it allows you to create an emotional connection to your goals.

By using tangible materials, such as fabric, paper, or glitter, you can craft something that reflects your dreams and aspirations in a more meaningful way.

The tactile experience of arranging each item on the board can also be very calming and therapeutic, allowing you to become more deeply connected with your goals.

Whether you choose digital or physical vision boards, they both have their advantages. Weigh up the pros and cons of each option to decide which one is best for you.

Easily customise the appearance

Another great advantage of digital vision boards is that they're easily customisable.

You can adjust the appearance of your board to match your preferences, whether it's changing the background colour, font size, or adding images. This makes it easier for you to create a personalised and unique board that will motivate and inspire you.

Digital vision boards also allow you to quickly edit or rearrange elements, making it easy to update your board as you progress towards your goals.

Physical vision boards can also be customized, though the process may take more time and effort.

Whether you choose digital or physical vision boards, they both have their advantages. Weigh up the pros and cons of each option to decide which one is best for you.

After considering the different benefits of using these two types of vision boards, we will provide more information to help you decide which one is right for you.

Creative vision board for women

Deciding On The Right Vision Board For You

When it comes to deciding on the right vision board for you, it’s important to consider your individual needs and preferences.

Both digital and physical vision boards have their own unique advantages, so it’s important to weigh up the pros and cons of each type in order to make an informed decision.

Determining your goals and ways to achieve them

When setting goals and planning for your achievement, it is beneficial to consider what is desired to be accomplished.

List out each goal or outcome you want to achieve and determine which actions need to be taken in order to reach these objectives. Once you have identified these steps, you can create a plan of action that will help you stay organised and on track.

Assessing how often you will be utilising your vision board

It is necessary to consider the frequency of use when making a vision board.

To be effective, a vision board should be reviewed and engaged with frequently, as it serves as a reminder of one's goals and can help motivate you on your journey.

Consider what type of vision board will fit within your lifestyle and how much time you are willing to commit to engaging with it.

Considering the tools available to you

Think about the resources that are available to you when creating a vision board.

Digital vision boards are often easier to create and require fewer materials, while physical vision boards provide an opportunity for creativity and tactile experience. Consider what type of board will best suit your needs and preferences.

Once you have taken these factors into consideration, you will be able to make an informed decision about which type of vision board is right for you.

Considering some additional factors

Both digital and physical vision boards have their own advantages and disadvantages, so the choice ultimately depends on your personal preferences and lifestyle.

Here are some factors to consider when deciding between a digital or physical vision board:


Accessibility refers to the ease with which you can access and use your vision board, and it can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of the board in helping you achieve your goals and aspirations.

Physical vision boards are typically displayed in a specific location within an individual's home or workspace. While this can serve as a constant visual reminder of your goals and desires, it can also limit accessibility, as the board may not be easily transportable and may be out of sight when you are away from that location.

A digital vision board offers greater accessibility, as it can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection.

This means that you can view and update your vision board from your smartphone, tablet, or computer, making it easier to stay motivated and inspired even when you are away from their physical location.

However, it is important to note that accessibility can also depend on your comfort level with technology. Some individuals may find a physical vision board to be more accessible and easier to use, while others may prefer the convenience and portability of a digital vision board.


When choosing between a digital and physical vision board, flexibility should be taken into account due to its importance in allowing you to adjust your vision as needed.

Physical vision boards are typically constructed from materials such as poster boards, magazines, and images that have been cut out and glued onto the board. This can lead to an appealing and motivating board but is not always the most flexible approach; changes or updates require the physical alteration of material, which can be tedious and can negatively impact the aesthetics of the final piece.

Digital vision boards, on the other hand, offer greater flexibility in terms of making changes and updates to the board. With just a few clicks, you can easily add or remove images, change text, and make other modifications to the board as needed.

This can be especially important in helping you adapt to changing goals or circumstances, as you can quickly and easily update your vision board to reflect your new priorities.

It is important to keep in mind that the flexibility of a digital vision board may vary depending on the software or platform being utilized. A lack of customisation and flexibility could potentially hinder the board's effectiveness when it comes to assisting you in achieving your goals and aspirations.


When it comes to choosing between a digital and physical vision board, it is important to consider creativity as a key factor. Both types of vision boards have their own advantages and disadvantages, and the decision of which one to use will largely depend on an individual's personal preferences and needs.

Creativity plays a crucial role in the effectiveness of both digital and physical vision boards.

A vision board is intended to serve as a visual representation of your goals and desires, and the more creative and inspiring the board is, the more effective it will be in motivating and inspiring you towards achieving your objectives.

A physical vision board allows for a more hands-on and tactile approach to creativity. You can use a variety of materials, such as magazine cutouts, stickers, and other embellishments, to create a visually stunning and inspiring board that reflects your personal style and preferences.

On the other hand, a digital vision board offers a wide range of creative possibilities, such as the ability to use graphic design tools, custom fonts, and digital images to create a board that is unique and visually appealing.

Additionally, a digital vision board allows for easy sharing and collaboration, which can provide opportunities for feedback and support from others.

Ultimately, the decision between a digital or physical vision board comes down to your personal preference. Consider the factors listed above and choose the option that will inspire and motivate you the most.

Creative lady on the phone talking about her vision board

5 Steps To Creating Your Digital Or Physical Vision Boards

Now, it's time to know some of the steps for creating your digital vs physical vision board.

Steps for crafting your digital vision board

1. Clarify one of your goals

It is important to be clear when setting goals for a digital vision board. One technique for doing so is to choose one desired outcome and then divide it into smaller, achievable objectives.

For example, let's say your goal is to start your own creative business. The first step in creating a digital vision board would be to clarify this goal by identifying what kind of business you would like to start, and what steps you need to take to get there. This might include researching your target market, creating a business plan, and securing funding.

Once you have clarified your goal, you can then start to create a digital vision board that reflects this goal and the steps you need to take to achieve it.

2. Pick images that visualise your goals

Once you have clarified your goals, you can start to search for images that represent them.

This might include pictures of people who have achieved similar goals, such as successful entrepreneurs or athletes, as well as images that represent the qualities or attributes that you would like to develop, such as confidence, courage, or determination.

You can also look for images that represent the specific actions or habits that you need to develop to achieve your goals. For example, if your goal is to run a marathon, you might include images of runners, training schedules, and inspirational quotes about persistence and discipline.

When selecting images for your digital vision board, it is important to choose images that resonate with you personally and that inspire you to take action towards achieving your goals.

Some sources of images for creating a digital vision board include Unsplash, Pixabay, and Pexels.

3. Create your digital vision board with Canva, Photoshop, or PicStitch

Creating a digital vision board can be an effective way to visualise your goals and stay motivated towards achieving them. Fortunately, there are several tools available that can help you create a professional-looking digital vision board, including Canva, Photoshop, and PicStitch.

Canva is a user-friendly design tool that allows you to create custom designs and graphics for a variety of purposes, including digital vision boards.

With Canva, you can choose from a range of pre-designed templates or start from scratch to create a unique and personalised board. You can add images, text, and other design elements to your board, and even collaborate with others to create a shared vision board.

Photoshop is a more advanced design tool that is often used by professional designers and artists. With Photoshop, you can create highly customized digital vision boards with advanced features and effects. However, Photoshop can be more challenging to use for beginners and may require some training or practice to master.

PicStitch is a mobile app that allows you to create photo collages and grids for social media, including digital vision boards. With PicStitch, you can choose from a range of layouts and templates, and easily add images and text to your board. PicStitch is a great option for those who want to create a simple and straightforward digital vision board on their mobile device.

Regardless of which tool you choose, the process of creating a digital vision board typically involves selecting images that represent your goals, arranging them in a visually pleasing way, and adding text and other design elements as desired.

You can then save your digital vision board as an image file and use it as a screensaver, or background, or print it out to hang on your wall as a daily reminder of your aspirations.

4. Make the graphic your desktop screensaver and smartphone wallpaper

One effective way to use your digital vision board to stay motivated and focused on your goals is to make the graphic your desktop screensaver and smartphone wallpaper.

By doing so, you will be reminded of your goals every time you use your computer or phone.

To set your digital vision board as your desktop screensaver, you can simply save the image file to your computer and then go to your computer's settings to select it as your screensaver. Depending on your operating system, you may need to choose "Personalisation" or "Appearance and Personalisation" from the Control Panel or Settings menu to access the screensaver options.

Similarly, to set your digital vision board as your smartphone wallpaper, you can save the image file to your phone and then go to your phone's settings to select it as your wallpaper. On most smartphones, you can access the wallpaper settings by going to the "Wallpaper" or "Display" options in the Settings menu.

By making your digital vision board your screensaver and wallpaper, you will be constantly reminded of your goals and aspirations.

This can help you stay motivated and focused on your objectives, even when you are not actively working on them. Additionally, seeing your vision board regularly can help you internalise your goals and reinforce your commitment to achieving them.

5. Concentrate on your goals and connect with your vision

Crafting a digital vision board requires focusing on one's goals and connecting with the desired outcome. This process involves setting aside time for reflection about the desired accomplishments and the associated emotions when targets are met.

Take a few moments to sit in a quiet space and visualise your ideal future. Think about what you want to accomplish in different areas of your life, such as career, relationships, health, and personal growth.

As you do this, try to connect with the emotions that arise when you think about achieving these goals. Visualize yourself feeling happy, fulfilled, and proud of your accomplishments.

As you create your digital vision board, keep your goals and emotions in mind. Arrange the images and graphics in a way that feels meaningful and visually appealing to you. You might choose to group images by theme or colour or arrange them in a more free-form way that reflects your personal style.

Throughout the process of creating your digital vision board, it's important to stay connected to your goals and vision.

Take breaks when you need to, and come back to your board with a fresh perspective. Remember that your vision board is a tool to help you stay motivated and focused on your goals, so keep it somewhere visible and make sure to review it regularly.

female creative making a vision board

Steps for creating a physical vision board

Now, it's time to learn some easy steps for creating a physical vision board.

1. Select your focus areas

When creating a physical vision board, it's important to select your focus areas.

This process involves identifying the key areas of your life that you want to improve or work on and choosing images and words that reflect your goals in those areas.

Spend a few moments reflecting on the areas of your life that you consider to be most important. These might include career, relationships, health, personal growth, or any other areas that you want to focus on. Once you have identified your focus areas, you can begin to select images, words, and phrases that represent your goals in each of those areas.

2. Gather your materials

Gathering materials to create a physical vision board is an important part of the process, allowing you to create a board that accurately displays your goals and aspirations.

The specific materials you will need may vary depending on your personal preferences and the size and style of your vision board. However, some common materials you may want to gather include:

  1. Poster board or cardboard: This will serve as the base for your vision board.

  2. Magazines and newspapers: Look for magazines and newspapers that have images and words that relate to your goals and aspirations.

  3. Scissors: You will need scissors to cut out images and words from your magazines and newspapers.

  4. Glue or tape: Use glue or tape to attach your images and words to your vision board.

  5. Markers or pens: You may want to use markers or pens to write or draw additional words or images on your board.

  6. Decorative items: If you wish, you can also add decorative items like stickers, glitter, or ribbon to your board to make it more visually appealing.

Once you have gathered all of your materials, find a quiet and comfortable space to work on your vision board.

3. Make your vision board

It's now time to put together your physical vision board!

Arrange the graphics on the poster board until they look satisfactory, they do not have to be perfect.

Then, one by one, begin glueing down each component until everything is secure. Remember to include affirmations and quotes; these will provide extra encouragement when needed!

4. Choose a place to display your physical vision board

Choosing a place to display your physical vision board is an important step in the process of creating your vision board.

After all, the purpose of your vision board is to serve as a visual reminder of your goals and aspirations, so it's important to choose a location where you will see it frequently and be reminded of your vision.

When choosing a place to display your vision board, think about the areas of your home or office where you spend the most time. For example, you might choose to display your vision board in your bedroom, your home office, or a dedicated creative space.

It's also important to choose a location where your vision board will be visible and easily accessible. You might choose to hang your vision board on a wall, prop it up on a table or desk, or display it on a dedicated bulletin board.

When choosing a location for your vision board, consider the level of privacy that you need. If you are comfortable sharing your goals and aspirations with others, you might choose to display your vision board in a more public space, such as a shared office or living area.

However, if you prefer to keep your goals and aspirations private, you might choose to display your vision board in a more secluded or personal space.

5. Set a reminder to go through your physical vision board

After you have created your physical vision board and chosen a place to display it, it's easy to forget about it over time as you get caught up in your daily routine.

Setting a reminder to review your vision board regularly can help you stay focused on your goals and ensure that you are making progress towards achieving them.

There are several ways that you can set a reminder to go through your physical vision board. One simple option is to schedule a recurring reminder on your calendar or phone to review your vision board once a week or once a month. You might choose a specific day or time that works well for you, such as Sunday mornings or Friday afternoons.

Another option is to create the habit of reviewing your vision board at certain times of the day.

For example, you might choose to review your vision board first thing in the morning or before you go to bed each night. This can help you start your day with a clear focus on your goals or reflect on your progress before you go to sleep.

These are some easy steps if you are considering creating a physical vision board.

After reviewing all of the above information, you may still have some questions in mind and be deliberating on what type of vision board is best for you—a physical or digital one. To help answer your questions, we have compiled valuable answers in our frequently asked questions section.

creative man writing down ideas for his vision board

Frequently Asked Questions

Do physical and digital vision boards achieve the same outcome?

Both physical and digital vision boards can serve as a visual reminder of your goals, providing the same outcome.

However, there are some differences between physical and digital vision boards that may make one more suitable than the other for certain people.

Physical vision boards take up space and can only be viewed in one place, whereas digital vision boards can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection. Digital vision boards also allow for more customisation and can easily be updated or rearranged.

Is there an easy way to save my progress on my physical vision board?

It is possible to preserve progress on a physical vision board by taking and storing photographs of it. This will allow you to easily track your progress over time and make adjustments as needed without having to start from scratch every time.

Additionally, you can use text or voice notes to record any thoughts or reflections that you have while looking at your vision board.

Which type of materials works best for making a physical vision board?

When creating a physical vision board, it is important to choose materials that will be durable and last for the long term.

Cardboard or foam core boards are inexpensive and lightweight options that can easily be hung on a wall or propped up on a table. If you want something more sturdy, you can use cork boards, magnetic boards, or even poster boards.

It is also a good idea to use materials that are easy to access and rearrange, such as sticky notes or magnets.

This will allow you to quickly make changes or add new elements to your vision board as needed.

Are there any limits to how many items I can add to my digital or physical vision boards?

There are no restrictions on the number of items you can include on either a physical or digital vision board, as it is based on your own needs and goals.

When creating your vision board, it is important to focus on the most meaningful elements that will help you stay motivated and reach your goals.

While it may be tempting to add a lot of items, it is best to limit your vision board to the most important elements.

What tools can I use to make my digital vision board more effective?

Creating a digital vision board can be a great way to stay organised and motivated. To make your digital vision board even more effective, there are several tools that you can use.

One helpful tool is the online resource Canva, which allows users to easily create and customise digital vision boards. It provides a wide range of templates and design options that make it easy to create an aesthetically pleasing vision board.

Additionally, you can use online storage services such as Google Drive or Dropbox to store your digital vision board and access it from any device.

Finally, you can also use a task manager such as Asana or Trello to keep track of tasks related to your goals.

To make your vision board, digital or physical, as effective as possible, consider pairing it with productivity tools to bring your goals to fruition.

If you want to know about some of these tools, check out OCCO London's productivity tools.

creative looking at her vision board kit


We hope that through this article, you are able to find answers to the question of choosing between digital vs physical vision boards.

Although both digital and physical vision boards have unique advantages, deciding which one is right for you ultimately comes down to personal preference.

As long as it helps keep your goals at the forefront of your mind and serves as an inspirational reminder whenever needed, either way, it will work great! Just remember to make sure all elements included on your board help further your purpose of staying focused and motivated!

When it comes to achieving success in life, having a visual component in place can make all the difference in keeping yourself accountable towards reaching those desired goals!

If you find this article helpful, please share it with your friends and family, and do not forget to leave your thoughts in the comment section. We appreciate your opinions.

At OCCO London, we are happy to help creative individuals like you make their vision boards come to life! Get in touch with us today to get started on your journey towards success!

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