The Pillars Of Well-Being: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for what the pillars of wellbeing are? If so, you have come to the right place!

When it comes to achieving a healthy balance and lasting peace in our lives, few things are more important than understanding how different aspects interact with one another to support our overall personal wellness.

To that end, we all need to be aware of what makes up an individual's sense of wellbeing, which we call "the pillars." In this article, I will provide a comprehensive overview discussing each pillar, their significance in creating a robust foundation for both mental and physical health, and how to create lasting habits that promote a sense of wellbeing year-round!

By engaging with these five pillars—physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and financial—you can ensure that your life will have balance amidst the chaos, no matter what challenges may come your way!

Creative male entrepreneur reading a book focusing on his well-being

1. Mental

Mental and emotional wellness are two of the most critical pillars of overall well-being, as they both have a profound impact on many facets of our lives. Outlined below are the elements that make up the mental wellbeing pillar.

Identifying emotional triggers and reactions

Emotional triggers are the events, situations, or people that cause us to feel a certain way.

Our reactions to these triggers can be positive or negative and can have an effect on our overall mental well-being. It’s important to identify these triggers and reactions in order to better understand how they affect our daily lives.

Developing healthy communication strategies

Effective communication can help build relationships, reduce stress, and improve our mental health. To foster healthier communication habits, we should strive to actively listen to others, express ourselves in a respectful manner, and remain mindful of our body language.

Additionally, it’s important to practise self-compassion when communicating with others as well as ourselves.

Know how to handle stress

Stress is an unavoidable part of life; however, having the proper tools and skills to handle it can make a huge difference in our overall well-being.

To effectively manage stress, it’s important to identify the sources of stress in our lives and then develop strategies for coping with them. This could include things like yoga, mindfulness meditation, physical exercise, journaling, or talking to friends and family members.

Choose positive self-talk

Positive self-talk is the practice of talking to ourselves in a positive and encouraging way. It’s important to recognize our own strengths and abilities, as well as acknowledge our successes and failures.

This can help us maintain a healthy mindset and boost our overall confidence. Additionally, it can be used to reframe difficult situations or conversations in order to find solutions that are beneficial for all.

Some examples of positive self-talk include statements like "I can do this," "I am strong and capable," or "I will find a way to make this work."

Create lifelong habits of mental care

Creating lifelong habits of mental care is essential for overall wellbeing.

This can include small daily activities such as setting aside time to relax, practise self-care, and engage in meaningful conversations. Additionally, it’s important to set realistic goals and prioritise tasks that contribute towards achieving them.

It’s also beneficial to participate in activities that bring joy or offer an escape from the stress of daily life.

Now that you have an understanding of the elements that make up the "mental" pillar of well-being, let's cover the "physical" side of things.

Creative couple, enjoy the outdoors improving their well-being

2. Physical

Physical well-being is essential for leading a healthy lifestyle and serves as the foundation for the other pillars of your overall well-being. To maintain physical well-being, it’s important to prioritise sufficient sleep, nutrition, and exercise while engaging in activities that promote physical health and safety.

Sleep for a sufficient number of hours

Studies have shown that not getting the recommended amount of sleep can lead to a weakened immune system, fatigue, and difficulty concentrating.

To ensure you are getting enough quality sleep, it’s important to develop a consistent bedtime routine and stick to it. This could include activities such as avoiding screens an hour before bedtime, reading or listening to calming music and engaging in light stretching exercises.

A couple of great mobile apps for you to try and get better sleep include Sleepio and Sleep Cycle.

Engage in exercise regularly

Engaging in exercise regularly is an important part of maintaining physical wellbeing. Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, improve your mood, and promote overall health and fitness.

When choosing an exercise regimen, it’s important to find activities that you enjoy doing. This could include things like running, biking, swimming, or even dancing. Additionally, it’s beneficial to set small but achievable goals that you can work towards.

Prioritize stress management

Stress can have a huge negative impact on our bodies, both physically and mentally. When faced with stressful situations, it’s important to take a step back and assess the situation from multiple perspectives.

It’s beneficial to practise relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or journaling.

Here at OCCO London, we have developed the Morning Mindset Journal to help you boost your productivity and set yourself up for the day. Whether you want to grow a creative business or achieve ambitious goals, this journal will support you every step of the way.

Develop positive coping strategies

Developing positive coping strategies is essential for managing stress and maintaining overall wellbeing.

Positive coping strategies can include activities such as taking a break from stressful situations, expressing yourself through art or writing, engaging in calming physical activity like yoga or tai chi, and talking to friends and family members. What's more, it's important to remember to focus on the present moment and be mindful of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

With the "physical" pillar covered, let's cover the topic of food and nutrition to see how you can stay optimally nourished for greater wellbeing and health.

Female entrepreneur practising yoga on the beach focusing on her wellness

3. Nutritional

Nutrition is an essential pillar of well-being, as a good diet can improve physical and mental health, trigger positive changes in your energy and mood, boost immunity, reduce stress, and even help you live a longer life.

Develop good eating habits

Developing good eating habits and a healthy diet is essential to ensuring that your body receives the nutrients it needs to function correctly.

To get started, you should focus on eating a balanced diet consisting of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Additionally, it’s important to limit your intake of processed foods and sugary beverages, as these can have adverse effects on your health.

Eat a variety of whole foods

Whole foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that are essential for maintaining good physical and mental health, and they can help reduce the risk of chronic diseases and support weight management.

When shopping for groceries, opt for fresh produce such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and lean proteins. It is beneficial to limit processed foods and sugary beverages, as these can have adverse effects on your health.

Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is an essential part of maintaining good health and overall wellbeing. Our bodies are composed of over 60% water, making it essential for us to replenish our fluids regularly. Drinking enough water can help improve physical performance, reduce fatigue, and even boost mood and mental clarity.

You should aim to drink 8 glasses of water per day, but it’s important to note that this can vary depending on your activity level and the climate. You can also get your fluids from other sources, such as herbal teas, soups, and fruits, to help mix things up!

Understand the significance of dietary supplements

Dietary supplements can be a great way to ensure that you are receiving all the essential nutrients your body needs. However, it is important to understand the significance of dietary supplements, as they cannot replace a balanced diet.

Supplements can be beneficial for those who may have an unbalanced diet due to food allergies or intolerances, or even those with specific nutrient deficiencies.

In addition, certain supplements can help support a healthy immune system, improve energy levels, and even enhance cognitive performance. However, it’s important to consult with your doctor before taking any supplements, as some may interact with medications or have adverse effects on certain medical conditions.

Consider superfoods

Superfoods are nutrient-rich foods that can help provide essential vitamins and minerals to support good health.

Superfoods can include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes. Additionally, certain superfoods such as blueberries, salmon, kale, and quinoa are packed with antioxidants that have been linked to reducing inflammation and promoting heart health.

Plus, superfoods are a great way to add flavour and variety to your meals. When shopping for groceries, try to buy organic when possible and look for locally sourced produce.

We have now covered a few of the main pillars of wellbeing; let's discuss the topic of money!

Creative entrepreneur by the sea focusing on his well-being

4. Financial

Having a sound financial foundation is essential for achieving total financial wellness. Being mindful of how you manage your money can not only reduce stress levels but also provide greater security for the future.

Create a budget.

Creating a budget is one of the best ways to ensure that you are managing your finances in a responsible way. A budget will help you keep track of your income and expenses and will enable you to plan for any short- or long-term goals.

Start by tracking all of your spending for a few weeks to get an idea of where your money is going. This will help you identify any areas where you may be overspending and can help you make more informed decisions when it comes to budgeting.

Manage debt

Managing debt is an important part of maintaining healthy financial wellbeing. It is important to be aware of the types of debts you have and to prioritise paying them off in order to avoid accumulating more over time.

When dealing with debt, it can be helpful to create a payment plan that works for your budget and lifestyle. This can include setting up automatic payments, negotiating lower interest rates, or exploring debt consolidation options.

It is also important to remain aware of any changes to the terms of your loans and to make sure that you are prepared for any unexpected expenses.

Eliminate financial stressors

Financial stressors can be a major source of anxiety and impede your overall well-being. It is important to identify any potential sources of financial stress in order to address them appropriately.

Some common sources of financial stress include high-interest rates, unexpected expenses, inadequate savings, and difficulty managing debt.

It is important to take the time to assess your current financial situation and create a plan to eliminate any stressors. This can include creating a budget, negotiating lower interest rates, and establishing an emergency fund.

Save for retirement

Saving for retirement is an essential part of achieving financial wellbeing. Planning for the future can help ensure you have the resources to maintain your standard of living once you reach retirement age.

Start by assessing your current financial situation and setting a goal for how much money you want to save each month. Consider taking advantage of any employer match programs, as this will help maximize your retirement savings.

Additionally, exploring different types of investments can help you build a diversified portfolio that will grow over time. Speak with a financial advisor to determine what investments are best suited for your particular needs and goals.

Seek guidance and advice

It can be helpful to consult with a financial advisor or planner to discuss your current situation, goals, and potential concerns. A qualified professional can help you develop a plan that is tailored to your individual needs and provide valuable insight into how to best achieve your financial objectives.

As there are many resources available to help individuals plan for their financial future, it is important to do your research to find a professional who can best meet your needs.

With all things money covered, let's dive into the social elements you need for well-being.

Female, creative entrepreneur focusing on her wellness drinking a cup of tea

5. Social

The fifth pillar expected to achieve total well-being is social wellness. This refers to having strong relationships with the people in your life, feeling connected to your environment, and becoming involved with activities in your community.

Benefits of social connections

Having strong social connections can have a myriad of benefits for an individual's overall well-being.

Research has shown that a good social life can improve mental health, reduce stress levels, and even boost physical health. What's more, having meaningful relationships with others can provide support during difficult times and help individuals cope with life’s challenges.

Social connections can also increase feelings of belonging and security by providing a sense of belonging and purpose.

Identifying your support system

Identifying your support system is an important step in achieving social wellbeing. Knowing who you can rely on for emotional and practical support can be a great source of comfort during difficult times.

Start by making a list of the people you feel closest to and the ones you turn to for advice. This could include family members, friends, colleagues, or mentors. It is also great to reach out to those in your network and make an effort to strengthen these relationships.

You could also get involved with activities that bring you joy and foster new connections. Joining a club or group that centres around a shared interest can be a great way to meet like-minded people and build meaningful relationships.

Creating lasting relationships

Creating lasting relationships is essential for achieving social wellbeing. Building solid and meaningful connections with the people in your life can provide support during difficult times and help to strengthen your sense of purpose.

The key to creating lasting relationships is to be open and honest with those around you. Making an effort to understand the perspectives of others, being authentic in conversations, and taking an interest in those around you can help create a sense of trust and connection.

Fostering a sense of belonging and community

Fostering a sense of belonging and community is an important part of achieving social wellbeing. Connecting with others and becoming actively involved in your community can help to create a strong sense of belonging and connection.

Participating in activities that bring people together, such as local events or volunteer initiatives, can be a great way to foster a sense of community. Becoming involved in your local area can also provide a sense of purpose and a connection to something greater than yourself.

Tools for enhancing social connections

Tools for enhancing social connections can vary depending on individual preference, but there are some helpful strategies that can be used to foster meaningful relationships.

One common tool is the practise of active listening. Active listening involves paying attention to another person’s words and feelings, being patient and open-minded as they speak, and responding with empathy and understanding.

This can help create a sense of trust and connection with the person you are speaking to.

Another tool is to be mindful of your body language. Being conscious of how you present yourself in conversations can help create a sense of trust and understanding with those around you.

Male entrepreneur cycling focusing on his well-being

6. Spiritual

Spirituality is often regarded as a pillar of well-being, and for some people, it isn't important, whereas, for others, it very much is.

If you fall into the latter camp, then maintaining a healthy spiritual wellness can help to inspire, motivate, and energise you and elevate your sense of self-worth. Alternatively, if you feel like all this is numbo jumbo, we're not stopping you from skipping to the next well-being pillar.

Understand what spirituality means to you

Everyone has their own unique beliefs, values, and practices that make up their spiritual identity. Taking the time to explore and understand your own spiritual values can help you develop a stronger connection with yourself and the world around you.

Find ways to connect with your spirituality

Finding ways to connect with your spirituality involves tapping into activities that bring you closer to your spiritual self. It is important to find activities that bring you joy and peace and help to deepen your connection with yourself and the world around you.

Meditation, prayer, journaling, reading spiritual texts, and attending religious services are all great ways to connect with your spirituality. Taking time out of your day to explore your spiritual side can help bring clarity and focus to your life.

Establish meaningful traditions for special occasions

Establishing meaningful traditions for special occasions can help to create a sense of connection and purpose in your life. Taking the time to celebrate the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, and other special occasions with friends and family can be a great way to foster relationships and deepen your spiritual connection.

Creating meaningful traditions for special occasions involves taking the time to plan activities that bring people together.

Reflect on your personal values

Reflecting on your personal values is an important part of developing a strong sense of self-worth and achieving spiritual well-being. Taking the time to understand what matters to you and what you believe in can help you make decisions that align with who you are and your goals for the future.

To reflect on your personal values, it's important to take some time alone and ask yourself questions such as: What values are important to me? What do I believe in? How do my beliefs shape my actions?

By reflecting on your personal values and beliefs, you can learn more about yourself and find meaning and purpose in life. A great tool to help you reflect is the morning mindset journal, which we've developed here at OCCO London to help you achieve more in your life and business.

Creative female entrepreneur practising well-being doing yoga

7. Intellectual

Understanding the importance of intellectual wellness is a key factor in understanding your overall well-being. This includes not only being knowledgeable but also having an appreciation for and enjoyment of learning new things.

Develop an intellectual curiosity

Developing an intellectual curiosity is a great way to nurture your intellect and explore the world around you.

This involves taking the time to learn about different topics by reading books, attending lectures and seminars, or engaging in conversations with others who share similar interests. It also involves asking questions and seeking out new experiences that will help you gain new perspectives and understanding.

Develop a habit of learning

Developing a habit of learning is important for intellectual well-being, as it helps to keep your mind engaged and challenged. This involves taking the time to learn something new each day, such as by reading a book or article, watching an educational video online, or attending a lecture or seminar.

You can also take classes, join discussion groups, or participate in activities that challenge your intellect. If you are not learning and growing, in theory, you are going backwards as everyone else around you is learning and growing!

Challenge yourself with education

Seeking out new experiences and learning opportunities can help you grow and develop your knowledge base. Taking classes, reading books, attending lectures, or participating in discussion groups are all great ways to challenge yourself with education.

In addition to traditional forms of education, there are also a variety of online resources available that offer great educational opportunities.

These online resources can be used to supplement what you learn in school or to explore new topics and ideas that interest you. Taking advantage of these resources can help to broaden your knowledge base, increase your understanding of the world, and foster intellectual well-being.

Expand your vocabulary and read challenging works

Expanding your vocabulary and reading challenging works can be a great way to promote intellectual well-being.

Taking the time to learn new words and explore unfamiliar topics can help you become more knowledgeable. Reading challenging works such as classic literature, nonfiction books, or scientific journals can also help you gain a deeper understanding of the world around you.

In addition to expanding your vocabulary, reading can also help to improve your critical thinking skills, which may be beneficial when making decisions or solving problems.

With the "intellectual" pillar covered, let's dive into the final pillar of well-being, which is the "environmental."

Male, creative entrepreneur, standing on a boat focusing on his well-being

8. Environmental

The environment in which you live is critical to your overall health and well-being. Whether that is the environment in terms of your house, office, county, or country, there are all environmental factors that affect your wellbeing.

Let's cover the elements within the pillar of "Environmental."

Create an environment that improves mental health

Creating an environment that improves mental health is essential for overall wellbeing.

This can be done by cultivating an atmosphere of comfort and safety as well as finding ways to reduce stress and anxiety. Creating a positive environment starts with making sure that your home or workspace is free from clutter, distractions, and any other elements that might interfere with your concentration or peace of mind.

It’s also important to create a space that fosters creativity, productivity, and relaxation so that you can achieve your goals in the most time-efficient and sustainable way possible.

Increase your connection to nature

Research suggests that spending time in nature has numerous physical and psychological benefits, such as reducing stress, improving mood, and boosting creativity.

Spending time outdoors can also help you to reconnect with yourself and the world around you. Taking a walk in the park or simply sitting outside for a few minutes can be an effective way to gain perspective and generate new ideas.

You can also increase your connection to nature by growing a garden, visiting a local park, or joining environmental organizations that promote the protection of natural resources.

Improve indoor air quality

How long can you last without breathing? 2 minutes at a push; therefore, why have you not considered the quality of the air that you are breathing?

Poor air quality can cause a number of symptoms, including coughing, fatigue, headaches, and respiratory problems. The first step to improving the air quality in your home or workspace is to identify any potential sources of pollutants such as dust mites, mould, pet dander, and off-gassing from furniture, carpets, and paint.

Once you have identified any potential sources of pollutants, you can take steps to reduce them, such as cleaning regularly, using natural cleaners, and investing in air purifiers. Additionally, opening the windows on a regular basis can help to bring fresh air into your space.

You could also purchase a BlueAir air purification device, which will continually clean the air inside your home so that you know that the air that is keeping you alive is clean.

Take steps towards sustainability

Taking steps towards sustainability can help reduce your impact on the environment and promote long-term health and happiness for yourself and the world itself.

To become more sustainable, you can start by reducing your energy consumption by using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights when they’re not in use, and using natural light whenever possible.

You can also reduce your water consumption by taking shorter showers, using low-flow fixtures, and ensuring you’re not leaving any taps running.

Additionally, investing in reusable items such as shopping bags, water bottles, and coffee cups can help reduce the amount of waste that is created.

To conclude, the eight pillars of wellbeing and the information within each pillar, as outlined above, will help to ensure that you live a healthy and happy life. By taking small steps towards improving each of these areas, you can make a big difference in your overall well-being.

Creative Lady smiling, focusing on her well-being

Frequently Asked Questions

Feeling good is essential to living a balanced and healthy life, so it is important to be aware of the different pillars of well-being. In this article, we’ll discuss what the well-being pillars are, what they mean for your health, and how you can incorporate them into your everyday life. Let’s take a look at some of the frequently asked questions about this topic.

What is psychological well-being?

Psychological well-being is a state of mind that is focused on positive emotions, connectedness to oneself and others, and a sense of purpose.

It involves feeling content with life, having strong self-esteem, being able to cope with stress, and having meaningful relationships. Psychological well-being also includes being able to accept yourself for who you are and treating yourself with kindness and compassion.

How can I apply these principles to my life?

In order to apply the principles of well-being to your life, it is important to focus on the areas that are most relevant to you.

For example, if you are looking to improve your mental health and emotional wellbeing, activities such as journaling, yoga, meditation, and mindfulness can be great tools for reducing stress and increasing self-awareness.

Additionally, creating a list of goals that align with your values can help give you direction and focus.

How can I use mindfulness practises to foster wellness within myself?

Mindfulness practises can be an effective tool for fostering wellness within oneself.

Mindfulness is the practice of being aware and present at the moment without judgment. Through mindfulness, one can cultivate greater self-awareness, reduce stress and anxiety, and increase emotional regulation.

There are many different ways to practise mindfulness, such as meditation, yoga, breathing exercises, journaling, and body scans.

No matter which practice you choose, the key is to be consistent and focus on the present moment.

What kind of mindset do I need to adopt in order to maintain a balance between my work and personal life?

In order to maintain a healthy balance between your work and personal life, it is important to adopt a mindset of self-care and prioritize. It is essential to recognise that your physical and mental health should come first in order for you to be successful in all aspects of your life.

Make sure you take time for yourself and ensure you are not neglecting any areas of your life.

A great way to make sure this balance is adhered to is to make use of the OCCO London Weekly Planner. a tool that empowers you to prioritise, that gives you the freedom and flexibility to handle unforeseen events, shift appointments, cherish relationships and interactions with others, and deeply enjoy spontaneous experiences, knowing that you have proactively organised your week to achieve key goals in all areas of your life.

Is there any specialised training available for individuals looking to increase their overall wellbeing?

Yes, there are many specialized training programs available for individuals looking to increase their overall well-being.

These programs can range from short online courses to more comprehensive multi-week courses that involve both online and in-person components. Depending on the program, they may focus on one or multiple pillars of well-being, such as physical health, mental health, emotional well-being, spiritual well-being, financial well-being, and social well-being.

These programmes can be a great way to learn more about yourself, gain new skills, and develop a better understanding of what it takes to lead a fulfilling life.

Lady focusing on her well-being by swimming


Achieving optimal mental and physical wellness involves all the pillars of well-being and requires dedication and commitment, but taking steps towards understanding and applying the different pillars will help you lead a more fulfilling and healthy lifestyle in the long run.

With awareness and continual practice, incorporating the five key aspects listed above into our regular routines can become easier over time, allowing us to reach our true potential and live up to our fullest capabilities.

We hope you have enjoyed this article and found it informative. If you have any questions relating to it, please do not hesitate to leave a comment below or DM us on Instagram.


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